555 Van Allen Hall:
Dusty plasma experiments are conducted in this lab, which is our largest
Our modified GEC chamber. This is one of our two main chambers where
we do strongly-coupled dusty plasma experiments:
Our "black chamber", where we in the past we performed experiments
that required other types of plasma sources. It's shown here labeled
the way it was configured for Tim Flanagan's dust shedding experiments:
We use lots of optics. Here's just a small part of an optical table,
with some of our lasers for illuminating and manipulating dust particles:
Students in room 555:
A special tradition in our group: when a PhD student is finished, the
student autographs a cable tray near the ceiling in room 555 to record
the proud event.
501 Van Allen Hall:
This room is our most recently remodeled lab. It houses our "Kuda-Topf"
chamber, which is our second main chamber for strongly coupled plasma
experiments. It is configured much like room 55, with optical tables and
instrument racks
518 Van Allen Hall:
This room is where graduate students have desks. There are also lab benches
for setting up equipment, and our parabolic-flight hardware.
Here's the parabolic flight hardware, when it was installed in NASA's