John A. Goree

Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52242 USA

Phone: 1-319-335-1843                                                                  ORCID ID 0000-0002-3988-0848

E-mail:                                 Web of Science Researcher ID: AAA-7026-2019


Mar 4, 2024


Educational and Professional History



        Princeton University                                    Ph.D.      Plasma Physics                         1985

        Princeton University                                    M.A.       Plasma Physics                         1982

        California Institute of Technology                 B.S.         Applied Physics                        1980




        The University of Iowa:

              Dept. of Physics and Astronomy              Professor                                  1996 – present

              Mechanical Engineering                         Professor                                  2011 – present

              Dept. of Physics and Astronomy              Associate Professor                       1991 – 1996

              Dept. of Physics and Astronomy              Assistant Professor                       1985 – 1991


        Max-Planck Institut

        für Extraterrestrische Physik                        Guest Scientist                                         1998

        Garching, Germany                                     Guest Scientist                              1991 – 1992


Professional Society Membership


        American Physical Society

        Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers


Research Interests


        Plasma physics experiments and modeling:

            Dusty plasmas, strongly coupled plasmas

        Statistical physics and condensed matter experiments and modeling:

            Liquids, fluctuations, transport coefficients






        Amer. Physical Society   Distinguished Lecturer in Plasma Physics                     2002 – 2003

        Amer. Physical Society   Fellow                                                                                  2001

        Univ. of Iowa                 Faculty Scholar Award                                                          1995

        IBM                               Faculty Development Award                                                 1986

News Articles Covering John A. Goree’s Research


        Science, Vol. 264, p. 29

        "A Dusty Road for Space Physics"                                                                      1 Apr 1994


        Science News, Vol. 146, p. 84

        "Forming Electric Crystals in a Dusty Plasma"                                                      Aug 1994


        Nature, Vol. 370, p. 411

        "Plasma Dust as Model Crystals"                                                                     11 Aug 1994


        Physics World

        "Plasma Crystal Opens New Branch of Research"                                                   Oct 1994


        Physics News in 1994, pp. 59-61 (American Institute of Physics)

        "Dusty Plasmas in the Cosmos and in Chip Manufacturing"                                           1995



        "Plasma Physics Gets a Home"                                                                         28 Mar 1997


        Physical Review Focus

“Mach Cones: Shock Waves in Dusty Plasmas”                                                  2 Nov 1999


American Physical Society 2000 Calendar

Featured image: “Shock Wave in a Dusty Plasma”                                                        2000


CERN Courier

“Mach cones studied in plasmas”                                                                     Jan/Feb 2000


Science News, Vol. 158, No. 20, Nov. 11, 2000, p. 310

        “Science gets a start on the space station”                                                              Nov 2000


Omaha World-Herald, Pg. 1E       

        “2001: A Space Community” by Julie Anderson                                                18 Feb 2001


NASA Space Research News

        “Serendipity in the Laboratory: Dust Busters and Dust Seekers Find Common Ground”         

         Vol. 1, No. 2                                                                                                       Mar 2002


        European television channel ARTE                                                                                     

        "L'Astronome et l'Indien," documentary about interstellar dust grains                       Jan 2003


  Physics Today, Vol. 57, pp. 32-38, featured cover story                                          July 2004

        “Dusty Plasmas in Industry, the Laboratory and Space”

        circulation: 120,000 including public libraries around the country                                         


        Parity (Japanese science magazine)

        “Dusty Plasmas in Industry, the Laboratory and Space”                                         May 2005


        Physics Web Physics News

        “Plasmas move into dentistry”                                                                    16 August 2006



Science News

        "Radiant plasma may combat cavities"

        Vol. 170, No. 11, p. 173, 2006.                                                                9 September 2006


        IOP Science LabTalk

        “Diagnostics for plasma transport on the International Space Station”                                                                        7 Feb 2014


Scilight (AIP Publishing’s showcase of the most interesting research in its journals)

“Keeping fine particles aloft in a plasma afterglow”                                            9 Nov 2022






External Grants as Principal Investigator

                                                                                                     award      period        started


                 “Faculty Development Award”                                    $60,000      lump sum      1986

        Iowa Dept. of Economic Development 

                 “Plasma Processing Laboratory”                             $1,000,000      lump sum      1987

        Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.

                 “Dust-Plasma Interaction Experiment”                         $90,000      2 years          1990

        NASA Origins of the Solar System Program

                 “Plasma Dust Experiments”                                       $150,000      3 years          1992

                 “Plasma Dust Experiments”                                         $35,000      1 year            1995

        NASA Micro-Gravity Science and Applications Division                   

                 “Plasma Dust Crystallization”                                    $330,000      3 years          1993

        National Science Foundation Engineering Directorate                              

                 “Particulates in Low-Temperature Plasmas”               $216,000      3 years          1993

        NASA Micro-Gravity Science and Applications Division                   

                 “Graduate Student Researchers Program”                     $88,000      4 years          1994

        National Science Foundation Physics                                                      

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $669,000      3 years          1997


        NASA Micro-Gravity Science and Applications Division                         

                 “Plasma Dust Crystallization”                                    $459,000      4 years          1997

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $540,000      3 years          2000

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Ninth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas”       $5,000      1 year            2001

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Optically-Excited Waves in 3D Dusty Plasmas”        $700,000      4 years          2002

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $555,000      3 years          2003

        US Civilian Research & Development Foundation                 $47,000      20 months     2004

                 “Mass transfer phenomena in weakly-ionized dusty plasmas”

                 with co-PI Olga S. Vaulina

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division

                 “Self-Structuring in Dusty Plasmas”                           $328,333      2 years          2005

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $612,235      3 years          2006

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Self-Structuring in Dusty Plasmas”                           $400,000      3 years          2007

        National Science Foundation                                                                  

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $717,000      3 years          2009

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Self-Structuring in Dusty Plasmas”                           $300,000      3 years          2010

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “PLASMALAB Experiments”                                   $120,000      2 years          2010

        National Science Foundation Physics                                                      

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $720,000      3 years          2012

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “PLASMALAB Experiments”                                   $246,000      3 years          2012

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Self-Structuring in Dusty Plasmas”                           $300,000      3 years          2013

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $675,000      3 years          2015

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “PLASMALAB Experiments”                                     $82,000      1 year            2016

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Self-Structuring in Dusty Plasmas”                           $100,000      1 year            2016

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”       $550,000      4 years          2017

        National Science Foundation Physics                                                

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”         $20,000      4 years          2017

        Department of Energy                                                                            

                 “Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                            $675,000      4 years          2018

        Department of Defense

                 “New Materials from Dusty Plasmas”                      $1,128,542      6 years          2018

        National Science Foundation Physics                                                

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”         $15,000      2 years          2020

        National Science Foundation Physics                                                

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”         $30,000      4 years          2021

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”         $72,500      0.5 years       2021

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”       $145,000      1 year            2021

        NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                      

                 “Nonlinear Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”       $145,000      3 years          2022




                                                                                total       $12,325,610


External Grants as co-Investigator


NASA Physical Sciences Research Division                                             

                 “Three dimensional dusty plasma experiments”          $386,000      4 years          2017

                 with Principal Investigator Dr. Bin Liu

                 “Three dimensional dusty plasma experiments”            $50,000      0.5 years       2021

                 with Principal Investigator Dr. Bin Liu



Publication Impact





        Total citations 12,713, h-index: 59, Web of Science, Feb. 22, 2024

        Total citations 17,899, h-index: 68, Google Scholar, Feb. 22, 2024



Theses Supervised

                                                     degree                                                                        completed

        Chun-liu Han                        M.S.   Electrical Engineering                                              1989

                                                     Computer signal processing for laser frequency stabilization

                                                     University of Iowa Library T1989.H233

        Matthew J. Goeckner             Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    1990

                                                     “LIF Measurements and Modeling of Magnetron

                                                     and Filament Discharges”

                                                     University of Iowa Library T1990.G598

        Afan Ottenheimer                  M.S.    Physics                                                                    1995

                                                     A universal law for ion-dust transport coefficients

                                                     in dusty plasmas

                                                     University of Iowa Library T1995.O895

        Richard Quinn                      M.S.    Physics                                                                    1995

                                                     Determination of phase in plasma crystals

                                                     University of Iowa Library T1995.Q232

        Dmitry Samsonov                  Ph.D. Physics                                                                    1999

                                                     “Waves and Instabilities in Dusty Plasmas”

                                                     University of Iowa Library T1999.S291

        Richard Quinn                      Ph.D. Physics                                                                    2000

                                                     Experimental studies of strongly coupled dusty plasmas

                                                     University of Iowa Library T2000.Q733

        Timothy Flanagan                 M.S.   Physics                                                                    2006                  “Dust release from surfaces exposed to plasma”

                                                     University of Iowa Library T2006.F584

        Timothy Flanagan                 Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2010

                                                     “Observations of thermal creep gas flow and

                                                     dust-density waves in dusty plasma experiments”

                                                     doi: 10.17077/etd.a3awfgce

        Yan Feng                              Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2010

                                                     “Microscopic dynamics in two-dimensional

                                                     Strongly coupled dusty plasmas”

                                                     doi: 10.17077/etd.x06jd0j5

        W.D. Suranga Ruhunusiri      Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2014

                                                     “Investigation of collective phenomena in dusty plasmas”

                                                     doi: 10.17077/etd.9ncuus9v

        Amit Mukhopadhyay              Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2014

                                                     “Statistics for motion of microparticles in a plasma”

                                                     doi: 10.17077/etd.4mfqip29

        Zachary Haralson                 Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2017

                                                     “Exploring liquid behavior in dusty plasma experiments”


        Chun-Shang “Tim” Wong      Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2018

                                                     “Statistical physics principles tested using

                                                     dusty plasma and aerosol experiments”


        Anton Kananovich                 Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2020

                                                     “Shock Waves in Dusty Plasmas”

        Vitaliy Zhuravlyov                 Ph.D.  Physics                                                                    2023

                                                     “Microscopic Structure in a Two-Dimensional

                                                     Liquid-Like Dusty Plasma”

        Rahat Mollick                        Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering

                                                     Co-advised with Professor Al Ratner                           in progress

        Amila Kumara                       Ph.D. Physics                                                           in progress     






Courses Taught at The University of Iowa


        Basic Physics                             29:008                         introductory physics for non-majors

        College Physics II                      29:12                                 physics for premedical students

        Intro. Physics I                          29:17                         mechanics & heat for physics majors

        Intro. Physics III                        29:19                            modern physics for physics majors

        Electronics                                29:128               circuits & measurement for science majors

        Electricity & Magnetism             29:129            electro- & magnetostatics for physics majors

        Electricity & Magnetism             29:130                          electrodynamics for physics majors

        Plasma Physics I                        29:194                                    introductory plasma physics

        Plasma Physics II                      29:195                                    introductory plasma physics

        Research: Physics                      29:281                                                    graduate students

        Adv. Plasma Physics I                29:294                          kinetic theory for graduate students

        Adv. Plasma Physics II               29:295                    MHD & transport for graduate students

        Introductory Physics Labs          29:8/11/12/17/18/27/28                  new labs & lab manuals



Awards won by thesis students


L.B. Sims Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, The University of Iowa      

Timothy Flanagan                                                                                                            2007

Teaching assignments (since 1996)


Semester            Course                                        Comment                                                       


Spring     1996   29:194 Electronics                       Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall          1996   none                                           Faculty Scholar Award

Spring     1997   29:294 Adv. Plasma Physics

Fall         1997   none                                           Faculty Scholar Award

Spring     1998   none                                           Faculty Scholar Award - sabbatical in Germany

Fall          1998   none                                           Sabbatical in Germany

Spring     1999   29:194 Electronics                       Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall          1999   29:8/11/12/17/18/27/28                Physics Labs - new labs & lab manuals

Spring     2000   29:194 Electronics                       Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall          2000   29:8/11/12/17/18/27/28                Physics Labs - new labs & lab manuals

Spring     2001   29:194 Electronics                       Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall          2001   29:8/11/12/17/18/27/28                Physics Labs - new labs & lab manuals

Spring     2002   29:194 Electronics                       Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall         2002   29:12 College Physics II              55 students enrolled

Spring     2003   29:194 Electronics                       15 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall         2003   29:294 Adv. Plasma Physics        6 students enrolled

Spring     2004   29:194 Electronics                       12 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Summer  2004   29:281 Research: Physics             1 student enrolled

Fall         2004   29:129 Electricity Magnetism       18 students enrolled

Spring     2005   29:194 Electronics                       16 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Summer  2005   29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Fall         2005   29:294 Adv. Plasma Physics        5 students enrolled

Spring     2006   29:194 Electronics                       16 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Fall         2006                                                      Career Development Award

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Spring     2007   29:194 Electronics                       16 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Fall         2007   Adv. Plasma Physics                   5 students enrolled

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Spring     2008   29:194 Electronics                       14 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          29:281  Research: Physics            2 students enrolled

Fall         2008   29:008 Basic Physics                   76 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included supervising honors project

                          29:281  Research: Physics            2 students enrolled

Spring     2009   29:128 Electronics                       13 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          29:281  Research: Physics            1 student enrolled

Fall          2009   29:281  Research: Physics            4 students enrolled

Spring     2010   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           56 students enrolled

                          PHYS:3850 Electronics               18 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Spring     2011   PHYS:3850 Electronics               17 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2011   PHYS:7730 Adv Plasma Physics  8 students enrolled

Summer 2010   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Spring     2012   PHYS:3850 Electronics               26 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2012   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      2 students enrolled

Fall         2010   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           93 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included supervising honors project

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Spring     2013   PHYS:3850 Electronics               17 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2013   Career Development Award

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Spring     2014   PHYS:3850 Electronics               21 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2014   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           95 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included a major change in teaching methods:

                                                                                         Flip videos, clickers, online homework

Spring     2015   PHYS:3850 Electronics               11 students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included a major change in teaching methods:

                                                                                         Flip videos, peer instruction

                                                                             Effort included development of lab & lab manual

Fall         2015   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Spring     2016   PHYS:3850 Electronics               15 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2016   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           75 students enrolled                 

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

                          7400:0025 Practicum in College Teaching, 1 student enrolled

Spring     2017   PHYS:3850 Electronics               13 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Summer  2017   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Fall         2017   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           88 students enrolled                 

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      2 students enrolled

Spring     2017   PHYS:3850 Electronics               11 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      3 students enrolled

Fall         2017   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           79 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics     

Spring     2018   PHYS:3850 Electronics               12 students enrolled     

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics

Fall         2018   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics

Spring     2019   PHYS:3850 Electronics               13 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics

Fall         2019   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics online 70  students enrolled

                                                                             Effort included a major change in teaching methods:

                                                                                         new asynchronous online course

                          PHYS:1409 Basic Physics lab

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics     

Spring     2020   PHYS:3850 Electronics               13 students enrolled

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Fall         2021   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Spring     2021   PHYS:3850 Electronics               11 students enrolled     

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Fall         2022   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Spring     2022   PHYS:3850 Electronics               13 students enrolled     

                          PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Fall         2022   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Spring     2023   PHYS:3850 Electronics               15 students enrolled

Fall         2023   PHYS:7930 Research:Seminar     1 student enrolled

Fall         2023   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled

Spring     2023   PHYS:3850 Electronics               15 students enrolled

Spring     2024   PHYS:1400 Basic Physics           94 students enrolled

Spring     2024   PHYS:1409 Basic Physics Lab     28 students enrolled

Spring     2024   PHYS:7930 Research:Seminar     1 student enrolled

Spring     2024   PHYS:7990 Research:Physics      1 student enrolled






Innovations in Teaching  (since 2011)


Peer Instruction        This practice was adopted in 2011 S tarting with Advanced Plasma Physics and used in all classes subsequently taught.


Flipped Classroom    This practice was adopted in 2014 with Basic Physics

                                 and 2015 with Electronics, which was fully flipped in 2020.

                                 Colloquia to train other instructors to use flipping were given.

                                 Youtube video channel to train instructors was created.


Computing                Labview programming was added to Electronics in 2016


Online Instruction      First tenure-track faculty member in department to teach

                                 an entire course online, Basic Physics, Fall 2019

                                 Training sessions to show other instructors online teaching Spring 2020





Supervision of Undergraduate Research and Honors Projects (since 2004)


        Jerome Fung                                 REU Student from Swarthmore College                   2004

                                                            “Method of Measuring Charge in a Dusty Plasma”

        Robert Merrill                              REU Student from Ohio Northern University           2005

                                                             “Plasma Tweezers Instrument for Dusty Plasmas”

        Sarah Langlas                              UI undergraduate honors project

                                                             “The trajectory of a soccer ball”                              2008

        Kyle Swanson                               UI student in cooperation with College of Dentistry

                                                            “Plasma Needle Disinfection of Bacteria”     2008 – 2010

        Lizhao Ge                                     UI undergraduate honors project

                                                             “Measuring speed of waves”                                   2010

        Philipp Hagen Klett                      Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Astronomy

                                                             “Microgravity experiments with dusty plasma” 2010 – 2011

        Mia Siebrasse                               Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Astronomy

                                                            “Dusty plasma image analysis”                                2011

        John Gernon                                 Undergraduate, Grinnell College                             2014

                                                             “Experiments with dusty plasma”                                   

        Se Hyun Chun                               Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Astronomy

                                                            “Dusty plasma image analysis”                                2014

        Tony Ball                                      Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Astronomy

                                                             “Dusty plasma image analysis”                                2017

        Karl Smith                                    Undergraduate, St. Olaf College

                                                            “Dusty plasma image analysis”                      2017, 2018

        Nitin Nagarkar                             Undergraduate, University of Iowa                          2022

                                                            “Laser sheet optics and imaging”


Supervision of Doctorate-Level Scientific Personnel


        Assistant Research Scientist           Terrence E. Sheridan, Jr.                              1988 – 1991

        Research Investigator                    Matthew J. Goeckner                                              1991

        Research Investigator                    Chunshi Cui                                                1993 – 1995

        Research Investigator                    G. Praburam                                                1993 – 1995

        Research Investigator                    John B. Pieper                                             1995 – 1996

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Volodymyr Nosenko                                    2000 – 2002

        Assistant Research Scientist           Volodymyr Nosenko                                    2002 – 2006

        Associate Research Scientist          Terrence E. Sheridan, Jr.                              2000 – 2001

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Shota Nunomura                                          2001 – 2002

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Bin Liu                                                       2001 – 2007

        Assistant Research Scientist           Bin Liu                                                       2007 – 2017

        Associate Research Scientist          Bin Liu                                                       2017 – 2021

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Yan Feng                                                    2010 – 2012

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Zian Wei                                                     2017 – 2018

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Jorge Berumen                                            2018 – 2021

        Research Associate                       Anton Kananovich                                                  2022

        Postdoctoral Research Associate   Neeraj Chaubey                                           2019 – 2023




Supervision of Engineering Personnel


        Mechanical Engineer                    Allen Cooper                                               2002 – 2003



Hosting of Visiting Scientific Personnel


        Prof. Frank Melandsø                   University of TromsØ, Norway                     1994 – 1995

        Prof. André Melzer                       University of Kiel, Germany                                   1999

        Dr. Shota Nunomura                     University of Nagoya, Japan                         1999 – 2001

        Prof. Alexander Piel                      University of Kiel, Germany                            May 2001

        Prof. Avinash Khare                      Inst. for Plasma Res., Gandhinagar, India      2002 – 2003

        Prof. Alexander Piel                      University of Kiel, Germany                            May 2005

        Prof. Terrence E. Sheridan, Jr.      Ohio Northern University                            August 2005

        Dr. Oliver Arp                              University of Kiel, Germany                                   2006

        Mr. Mukhit Muratov                      Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan  2012

        Prof. Alexander Piel                      University of Kiel, Germany                            May 2013

        Prof. Anton Kananovich                Appalachian State University                         2022, 2023


Service to Department


        Departmental Committees

                Educational Operations Committee                                                            1987 – 1990

               Faculty Search Committee                                                                         1992 – 1993

               Comprehensive Exam Committee                                                              1993 – 1994

               Faculty Search Committee                                                                         1997 – 1998

                Review of Tenured Faculty Committee                            1999, 2001, 2015, 2019, 2022

               Review of Untenured Faculty                                                    2004, 2007, 2012, 2020

               Executive Committee                                                                                1999 – 2001

               Promotion and Tenure Committee                                                                        1999

               Search Committee for Lab Coordinator                                                                 2000

               Graduate Brochure & Website Committee                                                  2001 – 2002

               Recruiting and Admissions Committee                                                      2002 – 2003

                Promotion and Tenure Committee                                                                        2004

                Recruiting and Admissions Committee                                                      2008 – 2009

               Recruiting and Admissions Committee (Chair)                                           2009 – 2010

               Recruiting and Admissions Committee (Chair)                                           2011 – 2012

               Faculty Search Committee                                                                         2011 – 2012

               Recruiting and Admissions Committee (Chair)                                           2012 – 2013

               Recruiting and Admissions Committee                                                                 2017

               Lab Curriculum and Floor Renovation                                                            Feb 2018

               Undergraduate Affairs and Curriculum Committee                                     2019 – 2021

               Committee on Research Infrastructure & Organization                            2021 – present



        Departmental ad-hoc service since 2000


               Colloquium organization                                                             AY 1992/93, 2000/01

               Writing departmental self study                                                                            2000

               Updating lab manuals, when not assigned as teaching                                 2000 – 2003

                Plasma seminar organization                                                                        most years

               Qualifier exam grading                                                                                               

               Updating web pages for recruiting graduate students                                   2008 – 2017

               Training instructors in online instruction                                                               2020

               Mentoring Assistant Professor’s teaching                                                   2020 – 2023

               Supporting Adjunct Faculty teaching of Electronics                                    2023 – 2024


        Exam committees since 2008

               Comprehensive exam committee, Yan Feng                                                          2009

               Comprehensive exam committee, Timothy Flanagan                                              2010

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Yan Feng                                                             2010

                Comprehensive exam committee, Jonathan Heinrich                                              2010

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Timothy Flanagan                                                2010

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Jonathan Heinrich                                                2011

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Xiayu Xu (Biomedical Engineering)                      2012

               Comprehensive exam committee, Suranga Ruhunusiri                                           2013

               Comprehensive exam committee, Amit Mukhopadhyay                                         2013

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Suranga Ruhunusiri                                              2014

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Amit Mukhopadhyay                                            2014

               Comprehensive exam committee, John Meyer                                                       2014

               PhD Thesis defense committee, John Meyer                                                          2015

                Comprehensive exam committee, Feng Chu                                                          2015

               Comprehensive exam committee, Jorge Berumen                                                  2015

               Comprehensive exam committee, Sean Mattingly                                                  2016

               Comprehensive exam committee, Zachary Haralson                                              2017

               Comprehensive exam committee, Jianan Zhang (Mechanical Engineering)              2017

                PhD Thesis defense committee, Jianan Zhang (Mechanical Engineering)                2017

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Zachary Haralson                                                 2017

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Sean Mattingly                                                     2017

               Comprehensive exam committee, Chun-Shang Wong                                            2018

                PhD Thesis defense committee, Feng Chu                                                             2018

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Jorge Berumen                                                     2018

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Chun-Shang Wong                                               2018

               Comprehensive exam committee, Anton Kananovich                                             2019

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Anton Kananovich                                               2020

               PhD Thesis defense committee, Vitaliy Zhuravylov                                               2023

Recruiting of graduate students since 2000

               Graduate recruiting visit to MIPT, Moscow, Russia                                         Sep 2000

               Graduate College Open House representative of department                       15 Nov 2001

                Focus-group participant to review brochure and website                             28 Nov 2001

               Produced all-new web site, the largest of its kind nationwide                         2001–2002

               Photographed dozens of subjects for recruiting website, brochure, talks         2001–2002

               Edited over 100 photos for recruiting website, brochure, talks                       2001–2002

               Produced all-new recruiting brochure                                                          2001–2002

                Produced all-new slides for recruiting talks                                                           2002

                Co-produced all-new pamphlet to recruit women graduate students                         2002

               Met with prospective graduate students visiting our campus                          2001–2002

                Graduate recruiting visit to Lawrence University, Appleton WI                   15 Oct 2002

                Graduate recruiting visit to Iowa State University                                        13 Jan 2003

                Graduate recruiting visit to Grinnell College                                               21 Jan 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to Case Western Reserve University                      13 Feb 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to Augustana College                                         17 April 2003

                Graduate recruiting visit to Carleton College                                              25 Apr 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to Sonoma State College                                     12 May 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to Swarthmore College                                         26 Sep 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to California State University at Sacramento          23 Oct 2003

               Graduate recruiting visit to Brigham Young University                                7 Dec 2004

               Graduate recruiting visit to Grinnell College                                            28 April 2009

               Presentation at Ohio Section of the American Physical Society Meeting    24 April 2009

               Presentation at American Association Physics Teachers Summer Meeting     28 Jul 2009

               Graduate recruiting visit to St. Olaf College                                               21 Oct 2009

               Graduate recruiting visit to Illinois State University                                  20 April 2011

                Graduate recruiting visit to University of Science and Technology of China   9 Oct 2015


Recruiting of undergraduate students since 2000

               Focus-group participant to review brochure and website                                  Dec 2002



Service to University and College


                Vice President for Research Committees

                        Advisory Committee on Physical and Mathematical Sciences                        1992

                        Committee for Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Programs                 1999 – 2002

               College of Liberal Arts Committees

                        Review Committee for Dept. of Chemistry                                                   1994

                        Commencement Platform Official                                                                2016


Service to Nobel Committees


        Invited Nominator          Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

                                             2011 Nobel Prize in Physics                                                   2010

                                             2023 Nobel Prize in Physics                                                   2022

Service to Profession


        Guest Editor                  IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science                                     1994

                                              Special Issue on Charged Dust in Plasmas                    1993 – 1994

                                              Contributions to Plasma Physics                                  2014 – 2015

                                             Frontiers in Physics                                                     2021 - 2022


        Journal Referee             Applied Physics Letters

                                              Contributions to Plasma Physics

                                             Europhysics Letters

                                             IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science


                                             Journal of Applied Physics

                                             Journal of Biological Physics

                                             Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics)

                                             Journal of Imaging                                                             

                                             Journal of Physics D

                                             Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology


                                             Nature Physics

                                             New Journal of Physics

                                              Physica A

                                             Physica Scripta

                                             Physical Review

                                             Physical Review Letters

                                             Physics Letters A

                                              Physics of Fluids

                                             Physics of Plasmas

                                             Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

                                             Plasma Sources Science & Technology

                                             Royal Society of Chemistry


Service to Professional Societies


        Executive Committee      American Vacuum Society Div. Plasma Science Tech.  1988 – 1990

        Program Committee       American Vacuum Society National Symposia             1989 – 1991

        Program Committee       Non-neutral Plasma Workshop                                               1997

        Program Committee       Second International Conference on Dusty Plasmas                 1999

        American Institute of Physics committee: update plasma physics PACS codes      1999 – 2000

        Program Committee       Non-neutral Plasma Workshop                                               2000

        Co-organizer                 Ninth Dusty Plasma Workshop                                               2001

        Program Committee       Third International Conference on Dusty Plasmas                    2002

        Nomination Committee   American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics                  2002

        Chairman, Nomination Committee

                                             American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics                  2003

        Program Committee       Non-neutral Plasma Workshop                                               2003

        Fellowship Committee    American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics                  2005

        International Committee

                                             Fourth International Conference on Dusty Plasmas                  2005

        Vice Chair                     Marshall Rosenbluth Thesis Award Committee                              

                                             American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics       2005 - 2006   

        Chair                             Marshall Rosenbluth Thesis Award Committee                              

                                             American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics       2006 - 2007

        Organizing Committee   Workshop: Faraday Discussion 137                                               

                                             Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Microparticles              2006 - 2007

        Scientific Advisory Committee                                                                           2007 - 2008

                                             Fifth International Conference on Dusty Plasmas

        Fellowship Committee    American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics                  2008

        Scientific Advisory Committee                                                                           2010 - 2011

                                              Sixth International Conference on Dusty Plasmas

        International Advisory Board

                                             Intl. Conference Strongly-Coupled Coulomb Systems   2010 – 2022

        Executive Committee      American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics       2011 – 2014

        Executive Committee      Intl. Conference Strongly-Coupled Coulomb Systems    2012– 2022

        Search Committee          Editor, Physical Review E, American Physical Society            2012

        Maxwell Prize Committee

                                              American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics       2013 - 2014

        Scientific Advisory Committee

                                             8th Intl. Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas      2016-2017

        Fellowship Committee    American Physical Society Div. of Plasma Physics                  2018
Service to Government Organizations


        Review Panel                 National Science Foundation            1994, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009,

                                                                                                                       2010, 2014, 2016

        Committee of Visitors     National Science Foundation                                        2018 - 2019

        Review Panel                 NASA                                                                1997, 2008, 2013

        Review Panel                 Swedish Research Council                                                     2005

        Proposal Referee           U.S. Department of Energy                                        various years

                                             NASA                                                                      various years

                                             National Science Foundation                                      various years

                                              National Institutes of Health                                                   2009

                                              Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic     2008

                                             Hungarian Scientific Research Fund                                       2011


Service to International Organizations



        Chairman                      European Space Agency - International Advisory Board                 

                                              International Microgravity Plasma Facility                   1999 – 2003


                                             Meetings of the advisory board, organized and run:

                                                      Hakone, Japan                                                 25 May 1999

                                                      Munich, Germany                                       10 -11 Aug 1999

                                                      Munich, Germany                                          7 - 8 Dec 1999

                                                      Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA                              25 Apr 2000

                                                      Lisbon, Portugal                                                 3 Jun 2000

                                                       Garching, Germany                                             7 Nov 2000

                                                      Iowa City, USA                                         23 - 24 May 2001

                                                      Moscow, Russia                                             4 - 5 Dec 2001

                                                      Durban, South Africa                                        24 May 2002

                                                      Garching, Germany                                           17 Dec 2002


        Vice-Chairman              European Space Agency Facility Science Team

                                             PK-4 Instrument (International Space Station)              2009 – 2014

        Chairman                      European Space Agency Facility Science Team

                                             PK-4 Instrument (International Space Station)           2014 – present


        Thesis exam committee   PhD, Eindhoven University, Raymond Sladek                         2006

                                             PhD, Eindhoven University, L.C.J. Heijmans                          2017

                                             PhD, Institute for Plasma Research, India, Akanksha Gupta     2017


        Thesis review:                Habilitation, University of Kiel, Germany, Dr. Andre Melzer   2008

                                             Habilitation, University of Kiel, Germany, Dr. Dietmar Block  2012

                                             Habilitation, University of Kiel, Germany, Dr. Hanno Kählert  2017

                                             PhD, Institute for Plasma Research, India, Akanksha Gupta     2017


        Committee member:       IMPACT design review (NASA, DLR)                     2020 - present




               Science Fair Judging:

                      Eastern Iowa Science & Engineering Fair Judge            1991 1993 1997 1999 2000

                                                                                                                         2001 2002 2007

                     Eastern Iowa Science & Engineering Fair Finalist Judge         2009 2010 2015 2016

                                                                                                                         2021 2023 2024

                      Solon Science Fair                                                                                2002 2007


               Presentations at “Family Science Adventures”                                                              

                      (for children and parents of Iowa City area)

                          Gravity and Weightlessness in Space                                                 2000 2001

                          Sound Waves and How We Know the Earth’s Core is Molten                      2006


               K12 Presentations at Horn Elementary School, Iowa City:

                     Volcanoes, 1st and 2nd grade. Horn Elementary, Iowa City                        2001 2004

                     Pulleys and Levers, presented to four classes, 3rd and 4th grades                        2002

                     Physics of Sound, presented to two classes, 3rd and 4th grades                           2002

                     Buoyancy experiments, presented to three classes, 5th and 6th grades                 2004

                     Chess Club – taught advanced class, for 16 students with 6 meetings                2004

                      Physics of Sound, presented to two classes, 3rd and 4th grades                           2007

                     Buoyancy experiments, presented to three classes, 5th and 6th grades                 2008

                K12 Presentations at Lemme Elementary School, Iowa City:

                     Buoyancy experiments, presented to two classes, 5th grade                       June 2014

                K12 Presentations at Horn Elementary School, Iowa City:

                     Eclipse, presented to three classes, 5th grade                                            May 2017

               K12 Presentation at North Liberty Elementary STEM night                           April 2024                      

               Organizer of “Take our daughters to work day” event

                      (for children of faculty and staff, Department of Physics and Astronomy)         2002


                College Fair Night, Iowa City, Representing Caltech                             2001 2002 2007


        `      Citizens Climate Lobby, presentation:

               Fission & Fusion Energy, Mitchell County Iowa Environment Expo           18 June 2022



Consulting Experience


        Norand Corp.                             Plasma processing                                          1985 – 1988

        Eastman Kodak Co.                   Computer simulation of magnetron erosion      1989 – 1990

        Applied Materials                      Computer simulation of magnetron erosion      1995 – 1996

        Catalina Coatings                      Magnetron design                                                      1997

        Applied Films Corp.                   Computer simulation of magnetron erosion                 1998

        Veeco Instruments Inc.               Particle control and plasma cleaning                           2006

        Des Moines Police Department   Expert witness                                                          2016

        University of Colorado               Lunar dust mitigation                                     2019 – 2021

        Iowa Attorney General               Expert witness                                                           2024


Patent Application


        Particle Contamination Control in a Plasma Afterglow

        Inventors: Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

        International Patent Application No. PCT/US23/33392, filed September 21, 2023


Provisional patent applications


        Light Based Medical Device

        Inventors: Kimberly Ann Morio, David Ray Drake, John Arlin Goree, Fatima Toor

        Application Serial No. 62/359,569, filed July 7, 2016.  


        Apparatus and Method of Detecting Mass of Small Particles

        Inventors: Chun-Shang Wong and John Arlin Goree

        Application Serial No. 62/490,139, filed April 26, 2017.


        Methods and Devices for Cleaning Dust from a Surface

        Inventors: Xu Wang et al.

        Application Serial No. 63/230,265, filed August 6, 2021


        Particle Contamination Control in a Plasma Afterglow

        Inventors: Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

        Application No. 63/378,662, filed October 6, 2022


Technology Transferred to Industrial Use


        Palo Alto Research Corp

                  "Double Lock-in Technique" used in model PAR 100 Lock-In Extender/Enhancer


        Eastman Kodak Co.         

                    Consulting project led to a new magnetron design for web coaters

External Talks

Invited Talks at Conferences


        “Fast-Wave Current Drive in Toroidal Plasmas”

        IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

        Canada                                                                                                               May 1986


        “Dust Shedding by Bodies in a Plasma”

        COSPAR World Space Conference

        Washington, D.C.                                                                                                 Aug 1992


        “The Plasma-Crystal Project”

        Fifth Dusty Plasma Workshop

        Huntsville, AL                                                                                                      Mar 1993


        “Ion Trapping by a Charged Dust Grain in a Plasma”

        NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Formation, Transport

        and Consequence of Particles in Plasma Processing

        France                                                                                                                 Sep 1993


        “Dusty Plasmas”

        Non-neutral Plasmas Workshop

        Berkeley, CA                                                                                                          Jul 1994


        “Dusty Plasma Experiments using the GEC Reference Cell”

        Gaseous Electronics Conference                                                                            Oct 1994


        “Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas”

        International Conf. on the Physics of Strongly Coupled Plasmas                             Sep 1995


        “Dynamics of a Carbon Particle Cloud in a Sputtering Plasma”

        Workshop on Dusty Plasmas 1995

        Wickenburg, AZ                                                                                                    Oct 1995


        “Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas”

        International Conference on Dusty Plasmas

        Goa, India                                                                                                            Oct 1996


        “Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas”

        International Conf. on Superlattices, Microstructures and Microdevices                                

        Lincoln, NE                                                                                                           Jul 1997


        “Void and filamentary instabilities in a dusty plasma”

        Seventh Dusty Plasma Workshop

        Boulder, CO                                                                                                         Apr 1998


        “Mach Cones in a Dusty Plasma”

        URSI National Radio Science Conference

        Boulder, CO                                                                                                         Jan 1999


“Monolayer Plasma Crystals: Experiments and Simulations”

Second International Conference on Dusty Plasmas

Hakone,Japan                                                                                                     May 1999


“Experiments with Coulomb-Crystal Dusty Plasmas”

Second Symposium on Non-conventional Plasmas

Niigata Japan                                                                                                      Aug 1999


“Coulomb crystals in a monolayer dusty plasma”

Gaseous Electronics Conference

Norfolk,VA                                                                                                           Oct 1999


“Coulomb Crystals made from Dusty Plasmas”

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics

Seattle, WA                                                                                                          Nov 1999


“Experiments with two-dimensional crystallized dusty plasmas”

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics

Seattle, WA                                                                                                          Nov 1999


“Shear Transverse Wave in a Complex Plasma”

European Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics, Section on Dusty Plasmas

Workshop, Lisbon Portugal                                                                                   Jun 2000


“Plasma Dust Crystallization”

NASA Fifth Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference

Cleveland, OH                                                                                                     Aug 2000


“Coulomb Crystal Experiments in Dusty Plasmas”

American Physical Society April Meeting

Washington D.C.                                                                                                  Apr 2001


“International Microgravity Plasma Facility (IMPF) – Physics”

AIAA Conference on Space Station Utilization,

Cape Canaveral, FL                                                                                              Oct 2001


“International Microgravity Plasma Facility (IMPF) – Engineering”

AIAA Conference on Space Station Utilization,

Cape Canaveral, FL                                                                                              Oct 2001


“Waves in 2D Dusty Plasma Crystals”

International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (SCCS)

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                       Sep 2002


“A Plasma that Acts Like a Crystal”

American Physical Society April Meeting,

Philadelphia, PA                                                                                                  Apr 2003


“Transverse optical mode in a one-dimensional Yukawa chain”                                            

        Non-neutral plasma workshop 2003

        Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                        Jul 2003


“Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas”                                                                       Aug 2004

        International Conference on Dusty Plasmas in Applications

        Odessa, Ukraine


“Review of Dust Particle Formation, Charging, and Transport”                               Apr 2005

Dust in Fusion Plasmas Workshop                                                                                      

Napa, CA                                                                                                                           


“Waves in Dusty Plasmas”                                                                                                 

        International Conference on Dusty Plasmas

        Orleans, France                                                                                                   Jun 2005


“Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas: Linear and Nonlinear”

APS April Meeting mini-conference on Laboratory Experiments on Plasma Astrophysics

Dallas, TX                                                                                                           Apr 2006


“Dusty Plasmas that Behave like Liquids or Solids”

European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics

Rome Italy                                                                                                            Jun 2006


“Diffusion and super-diffusion in strongly-coupled dusty plasmas”

48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Philadelphia, PA                                                                                                   Oct 2006


“Diffusive Transport of Microparticles in an Rf Glow Discharge Plasma”

2007 IEEE Conference on Plasma Sciences

Albuquerque, NM                                                                                                  Jun 2007


“Comparison of Dusty Plasma and Colloidal Suspension”

2008 International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems.

Camerino, Italy,                                                                             July 29 ­ August 2, 2008


“The electrical charge and motion of objects inserted into a plasma produced by ionizing gas”

Ohio Section of the American Physical Society

Ada, Ohio                                                                                                       24 Apr 2009


“The electrical charge and motion of objects inserted into a plasma”

2009 American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting

Ann Arbor, Michigan                                                                                       28 July 2009


“Experiments to observe release of lunar simulant from surfaces exposed to plasma”

Lunar Dust, Plasma and Atmosphere: The Next Steps Workshop

Boulder, Colorado                                                                                    27 – 29 Jan  2010


“Imaging Charged Dust in Laboratory Plasmas”

American Astronomical Society Summer Meeting

Miami, Florida                                                                                        23 – 27 May 2010


 “Physics of liquid-phase dusty plasmas”

14th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas

Rostock, Germany                                                                                       9 – 14 Sep 2012


“Transport phenomena in strongly-coupled dusty plasmas”

European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Science

Helsinki, Finland                                                                                           1 – 5 Jul 2013


“The Spitzer potential and where it has taken us in dusty plasmas”

100th Birthday Celebration for Lyman Spitzer

Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey                                                 19-20 Oct 2013


“The University of Iowa’s Dusty Plasma Projects for PK-4”

Fundamental Physics Workshop

Pasadena, California                                                                                  17-18 Nov 2014


“Determining transport coefficients for dusty plasmas in experiments and simulations”

Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas Workshop 4

Kiel, Germany                                                                                                      Sep 2015


“Particle-level experiments in nonequilibrium statistical physics performed

using dusty plasmas.”

International School on Complexity

Erice, Italy                                                                                           27 Jul – 3 Aug 2015


“Statistical Physics Experiments Using Dusty Plasmas”

58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

San Jose, California                                                                                         31 Oct 2016


 “Statistical Physics Experiments Using Dusty Plasmas”

NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering

Arlington, VA                                                                                                        Jan 2017


 “Statistical Physics Experiments Using Dusty Plasmas”

8th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas                                May 2017

Prague, Czech Republic


        “Dusty Plasma Research under Microgravity Conditions on the ISS”

        APS March Meeting

        Los Angeles, California                                                                                     March 2018


        “Statistical Physics Experiments Using Dusty Plasmas”

        9th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas,

        Moscow, Russia                                                                   Conference cancelled, Oct 2020


        “Nonlinear plasma wave experiments performed on the International Space Station”

        J. Goree, Bin Liu, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

        V. I. Molotkov A. D. Usachev, O. F. Petrov, M. H. Thoma, E. Thomas Jr, U. Konopka

        IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless

        Communications (IEEE-APWC 2020), 

        Honolulu, Hawaii                                                               Conference cancelled, Aug 2020



        “Exploiting dusty plasma to test theories of statistical physics”

        6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Plenary Talk, online                      Oct 2022


        “Mitigation of particles under vacuum conditions”

        Defect Technology Conference, Applied Materials, Inc.,

        Santa Clara, CA                                                                                                   Nov 2022


        “Survival-function analysis of the rearrangement of particles in a liquid-like dusty

        plasma experiment”

        Workshop: Working Across Scales in Complex Systems

        Emory University, Atlanta, GA                                                                     12-14 Apr 2023


Invited Talks given by group members working under the supervision of John A. Goree:


        “Thermally Excited Waves in a 2D Plasma Crystal”

given by S. Nunomura

S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

5th European Workshop on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas

Potsdam, Germany                                                                                              Aug 2001


“Thermally-Excited Wave Experiments in a Strongly-Coupled Plasma”

given by S. Nunomura

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics

Long Beach, CA                                                                                                  Nov 2001


“Plasma Diagnostics Using Microparticle Motion in a Dusty Plasma

Under Microgravity Conditions”

given by Bin Liu                                                                                                                

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

Norfolk,Virginia                                                                                        20 – 24 Jun 2010


 “Experimental Measurement of Viscoelasticity of Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasma”

given by Yan Feng

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                 Nov 2010


“Viscosity Quantified in a 2D Dusty Plasma Experiment”

given by Yan Feng

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                              28 Jun 2011


“Synchronization of the Dust Acoustic Wave”

given by W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

San Francisco, CA                                                                                           21 Jun 2013

 Contributed Talks since 2000


“Mach cones in a two-dimensional colloidal dusty plasma”

J. Goree

APS March Meeting

Minneapolis, MN                                                                                                 Mar 2000


“Microscopic observations of shocks in a two-dimensional Yukawa system”

J. Goree

APS March Meeting

Minneapolis, MN                                                                                                 Mar 2000


“Laser-Excited Mach Cones in a Plasma Crystal”

A. Melzer, S. Nunomura, D. Samsonov, Z. W. Ma and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


“Transverse Shear Waves in a 2-D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

S. Nunomura, D. Samsonov and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


“Mach Cones in a Two-Dimensional Complex Plasma”

D. Samsonov, H. M. Thomas, G. E. Morfill and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


“Simulations of Transverse Shear Waves in a Two-Dimensional Plasma Crystal”

Z. W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


 “Direct Measurements of the Coulomb Coupling Parameter in a Plasma Crystal Experiment”

R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


“Motion of Fast Particles in an Incomplete Second Layer of a Plasma Crystal

V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                      Apr 2000


“International Microgravity Plasma Facility”

J. Goree

NASA Fifth Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference

Cleveland, OH                                                                                                    Aug 2000


“Laser-excited shear and compressional waves in a crystallized dusty plasma”

S. Nunomura, V. Nosenko, D. Samsonov and J. Goree

10th International Congress on Plasma Physics

Quebec, Canada                                                                                                  Oct 2000


“Laser-excited pulse propagation in a crystallized complex plasma”

V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

10th International Congress on Plasma Physics

Quebec, Canada                                                                                                   Oct 2000


“Caged particle motion in a crystallized complex plasma”

R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

10th International Congress on Plasma Physics

Quebec, Canada                                                                                                   Oct 2000


“Linear and Nonlinear Mach Cones in Yukawa Crystals Formed in a Dusty Plasma”

J. Goree, A. Bhattacharjee, Z. W. Ma, A. Melzer and S. Nunomura

10th International Congress on Plasma Physics

Quebec, Canada                                                                                                   Oct 2000


“Laser-excited shear and compressional waves in a crystallized dusty plasma”

S. Nunomura, V. Nosenko, D. Samsonov and J. Goree

53rd Gaseous Electronics Conference

Houston, TX                                                                                                         Oct 2000


“Laser-excited pulses in a crystallized dusty plasma”

V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

53rd Gaseous Electronics Conference

Houston, TX                                                                                                         Oct 2000


“Dispersion relations of compressional and shear waves in

2D crystallized dusty plasmas”

S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

Plasma Physics Symposium

Nagoya Japan                                                                                                       Jan 2001


“2D Yukawa triangular lattice: linear and nonlinear experiments”

V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

APS March Meeting

Seattle, WA                                                                                                          Mar 2001


“PKE-Nefedov: The First Basic Science Experiment on the International Space Station”

P. Nefedov, H. M. Thomas, G. E. Morfill, V. E. Fortov, T. Hagl, A. Ivlev,

U. Konopka, H. Rothermel, M. Zuzic, V. I. Molotkov, O. Petrov, A. Lipaev,

J. A. Goree, A. Ivanov, S. Krikalev, Y. Gidzenko and W. Sheperd

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


“Thermally Excited Waves in a 2D Plasma Crystal”

S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


“Mach Cones in Two-Dimensional Yukawa Crystals: Linear and Nonlinear Properties”

Z. W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee and J. Goree

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


 “Shear Wave Mach Cones in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

V. Nosenko and J. Goree

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


“Nonlinear Compressional Pulses in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


“Wave Dispersion Relations in a 2D Plasma Crystal”

S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Iowa City, IA                                                                                                       May 2001


“Waves in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

J. Goree

2001 Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas

San Diego, CA                                                                                                      Jul 2001


“Compressional and Shear Wakes in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

V. Nosenko, J. Goree, Z. W. Ma, A. Piel and D. Dubin

        5th European Workshop on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas

        Potsdam, Germany                                                                                               Aug 2001


“Waves in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

J. Goree, S. Nunomura and V. Nosenko

54th Gaseous Electronics Conference

State College, PA                                                                                                 Oct 2001


“Compressional and Shear Wakes in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal”

V. Nosenko, J. Goree, Z. W. Ma and D. H. E. Dubin

54th Gaseous Electronics Conference

State College, PA                                                                                                Oct 2001


“Mach cones and wakes in a 2D dusty plasma crystal”

V. Nosenko, J. Goree, Z. W. Ma and D. H. E. Dubin

43rd Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Long Beach, CA                                                                                                   Oct 2001


“Dynamical phase transitions in dusty crystals”

I. V. Schweigert, V. A. Schweigert, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

3rd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Durban, South Africa                                                                                          May 2002


“Experiments and simulation of elastic waves in a plasma crystal radiated

from a point-dipole source”

A. Piel, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

3rd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Durban, South Africa                                                                                          May 2002


“Waves in a 2-D Plasma Crystal”

J. Goree, S. Nunomura, V. Nosenko, S. Hu, Z. W. Ma, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

3rd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Durban, South Africa                                                                                           May 2002


“Dispersion relations of compressional waves in a plasma crystal

determined from a wakefield”

V. Nosenko, D. H. E. Dubin and J. Goree

9th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Montreux, Switzerland                                                                                          Jun 2002


“Radiation pressure and gas drag forces on a melamine-formaldehyde

microsphere in a dusty plasma”

Bin Liu, John Goree, Vladimir Nosenko and Laifa Boufendi

55th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Minneapolis, MN                                        Oct 2002


“Dispersion relations of compressional waves in a plasma crystal

determined from a wakefield”

V. Nosenko and J. Goree

55th Gaseous Electronics Conference

Minneapolis, MN                                                                                                 Oct 2002


“Nonlinear compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal: Theory”

J. Goree, K. Avinash, Bin Liu and V. Nosenko

44th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physic

Orlando, FL                                                                                                       Nov 2002


Nonlinear compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal: Experiment

V. Nosenko, K. Avinash, Bin Liu and J. Goree

44th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                       Nov 2002


Nonlinear compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal: Simulation

Bin Liu, K. Avinash, J. Goree and V. Nosenko

44th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                       Nov 2002


Elastic Waves in a Dusty Plasma Crystal Radiated from a Point-Dipole Source

        J. Goree, V. Nosenko and A. Piel

44th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                       Nov 2002


“Nonlinear longitudinal waves in a two-dimensional screened Coulomb crystal”

S. Nunomura, S. Zhdanov, G. E. Morfill and J. Goree

International Workshop on the Physics of Nonideal Plasmas - PNP11

Valencia, Spain                                                                                                   Mar 2003


“Flight Hardware for KC-135 Parabolic Flights”

John Goree

10th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, St. Thomas

US Virgin Islands                                                                                                  Jun 2003


“Transverse optical mode in a one-dimensional chain”

Bin Liu, John Goree and K. Avinash

10th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, St. Thomas

US Virgin Islands                                                                                                  Jun 2003


“Nonlinear interaction of compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal”

V. Nosenko, K. Avinash, J. Goree and Bin Liu

10th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, St. Thomas

US Virgin Islands                                                                                                  Jun 2003


 “Nonlinear longitudinal waves in a two-dimensional screened Coulomb crystal”

S. Nunomura, S. Zhdanov, G. E. Morfill and J. Goree

European Physical Society Conference

St Petersburg, Russia                                                                                            Jul 2003


“Nonlinear mixing of compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal”

V. Nosenko, K. Avinash, J. Goree and Bin Liu

        56th Gaseous Electronics Conference

        San Francisco, CA                                                                                                Oct 2003


“Transverse optical mode in a one-dimensional dusty plasma lattice”

J. Goree, Bin Liu and K. Avinash,

        56th Gaseous Electronics Conference

        San Francisco, CA                                                                                                Oct 2003


“Sheath diagnostics using particles in a dusty plasma”

Bin Liu, J. Goree and K. Avinash

        56th Gaseous Electronics Conference

        San Francisco, CA                                                                                                Oct 2003


        “Transverse optical mode in a one-dimensional dusty plasma lattice”

Bin Liu, John Goree, and Khare Avinash

        45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

        Albuquerque, NM                                                                                                 Oct 2003


 “Electrostatic Release of Fine Particles Adhered to Surfaces on the Moon or Mars”

        J. Goree and V. Nosenko

        Conference-Workshop on Strategic Research to Enable NASA’s

        Exploration Missions

        Cleveland, OH                                                                                                      Jun 2004


“Shear viscosity measurements in a liquid strongly-coupled dusty plasma”

V. Nosenko and J. Goree

31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics

London, UK                                                                                                          Jun 2004


“Voids imaged under microgravity conditions”

J. Goree

31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics

London, UK                                                                                                          Jun 2004


“Nonlinear mixing of compressional waves in a 2D dusty plasma crystal”

V. Nosenko, K. Avinash, J. Goree and Bin Liu

31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics

London, UK                                                                                                          Jun 2004


“Modes in a one-dimensional dusty plasma chain”

Bin Liu and J. Goree                                                                                                          

31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics

London, UK                                                                                                          Jun 2004


“Measuring particle charge in an rf dusty plasma”

Jerome Fung, Bin Liu, John Goree and Vladimir Nosenko

46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Savannah, GA                                                                                                      Nov 2004


“Shear viscosity measurements in a liquid strongly-coupled dusty plasma”

V. Nosenko and J. Goree

46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Savannah, GA                                                                                                      Nov 2004


“MD simulation of a 2D liquid dusty plasma”

Bin Liu and John Goree

46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Savannah, GA                                                                                                      Nov 2004


“Phonon spectrum measured in a 1D Yukawa chain”

J. Goree and Bin Liu

APS March Meeting

Los Angeles, CA                                                                                                   Mar 2005


“Shear viscosity measurements in a 2D Yukawa liquid”

V. Nosenko and J. Goree

APS March Meeting

Los Angeles, CA                                                                                                   Mar 2005


“Iowa Dust Mitigation Scheme for EVA Suits in a Lunar Habitat”                                        

        J. Goree                                    

        NASA Dust Mitigation Technology Focus Group Workshop

        Golden, CO                                                                                                          Jun 2005


“Shear viscosity of a liquid strongly-coupled dusty plasma”                                                  

        V. Nosenko, Bin Liu and J. Goree                

        International Conference on Dusty Plasmas,

        Orleans, France                                                                                                    Jun 2005


“Iowa Mitigation Scheme for Dust Removal”                                                                      

        T. Flanagan, J. Goree and V. Nosenko          

        International Conference on Dusty Plasmas,

        Orleans, France                                                                                                    Jun 2005


“Viscosity of strongly-coupled dusty plasmas in a liquid state”

J. Goree, Z. Donko, P. Hartmann and K. Kutasi

47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Denver, CO                                                                                                          Oct 2005


 “Disinfection of S. Mutans Bacteria Using a Plasma Needle at Atmospheric Pressure”

J. Goree, Bin Liu, David Drake and E. Stoffels

Microplasmas Workshop

Greifswald, Germany                                                                                           May 2006


“A Biological Diagnostic for Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas”

J. Goree, Bin Liu and David Drake

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Traverse City, MI                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Disinfection of S. Mutans Bacteria Using a Plasma Needle at Atmospheric Pressure”

J. Goree, Bin Liu, David Drake, and E. Stoffels

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Traverse City, MI                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Viscosity and Diffusion in a 2D Dusty Plasma”

Bin Liu and J. Goree

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Traverse City, MI                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Random fluctuations and release of dust particles from surfaces in a plasma”

Tim Flanagan and John Goree

11th Workshop of the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Williamsburg, VA                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Self-diffusion and superdiffusion in 2D liquid dusty plasmas”

Bin Liu, John Goree and Yan Feng

11th Workshop of the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Williamsburg, VA                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Transport coefficients in 2D liquid dusty plasmas”

John Goree and Bin Liu

11th Workshop of the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Williamsburg, VA                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Cutoff wave number for shear waves in a 2D dusty plasma”

V. Nosenko, J. Goree and A. Piel

11th Workshop of the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Williamsburg, VA                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Pixel-locking errors in measuring particle positions in dusty plasmas”

Yan Feng, John Goree and Frederick Skiff

11th Workshop of the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Williamsburg, VA                                                                                                  Jun 2006


“Cutoff wave number for shear waves in a 2D dusty plasma”

V. Nosenko, J. Goree A. Piel

48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Philadelphia, PA                                                                                                   Oct 2006


“Thermal conductivity measurements in a 2D Yukawa system”

V. Nosenko, A. Ivlev, S. Zhdanov, G. Morfill, J. Goree and A. Piel

March Meeting of the APS

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Mar 2007


“Zelluläre Zweiphasenstroemung in komplexen Plasmen“

Oliver Arp and John Goree

German Physical Society Section Plasma Physics Meeting,

Düsseldorf, Germany                                                                                           May 2007


 “Disinfection of S. Mutans Bacteria Using a Plasma Needle at Atmospheric Pressure”

S. Hansen, J. Goree, Bin Liu and D. Drake

2007 IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Albuquerque, NM                                                                                                  Jun 2007


“Heating and cooling in dusty plasmas”

Y. Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu

49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2007


“Self-diffusion and random motion in a strongly-coupled dusty-plasma: experiment”

Bin Liu and J. Goree

49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2007


 “Laser manipulation of dust particles in Coulomb balls”

T.M. Flanagan and J. Goree

49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2007


“Disinfection of S. Mutans Bacteria Using a Plasma Needle at Atmospheric Pressure”

S. Hansen, J. Goree, Bin Liu and D. Drake

49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2007


“Self-diffusion and random motion in a strongly-coupled dusty-plasma: MD simulation”

J. Goree, Bin Liu, Z. Donkó and P. Hartmann

49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2007


“Superheating of a dusty plasma crystal”

J. Goree, Yan Feng and Bin Liu

50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Dallas, TX                                                                                                           Nov 2008


“Detection of solid superheating in 2D dusty plasmas”

J. Goree, Yan Feng and Bin Liu

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Experimental Investigation of Dust Density Waves and Plasma Glow”

O. Arp, D. Caliebe, K. Menzel, A. Piel and John A. Goree

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Time dependence of shear-induced melting and subsequent solidification

in a 2D dusty plasma”

Yan Feng, J. Goree and Bin Liu

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Using dusty plasma to detect thermal creep gas flow”

Tim Flanagan and John Goree

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Transverse oscillations in a single-layer dusty plasma under microgravity”

Bin Liu, John Goree, V.E. Fortov, A.M. Lipaev, V.I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov,

G.E. Morfill, H.M. Thomas, H. Rothermel and A. Ivlev

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Improving the accuracy of the moment method for measuring particle positions”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri, Y. Feng, J. Goree and Bin Liu

12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Boulder, CO                                                                                                        May 2009


“Oscillatory Particle Motion Observed in Dusty Plasma under Microgravity Conditions”

John Goree, Bin Liu, V.E. Fortov, A.M. Lipaev, V.I. Molotkov, O. Petrov,

G. E. Morfill, H.M. Thomas, H. Rothermel and A. Ivlev

2009 IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

San Diego, CA                                                                                                      Jun 2009


“Oscillatory Particle Motion in Dusty Plasma under Microgravity Conditions”

John Goree, Bin Liu, V.E. Fortov, A.M. Lipaev, V.I. Molotkov, O.F. Petrov,

G.E. Morfill, H.M. Thomas, H. Rothermel and A.V. Ivlev

51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Atlanta, GA                                                                                                         Nov 2009


“Laboratory Observation of Naturally Occurring Dust Density Waves”

Tim Flanagan and John Goree

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science,

Norfolk, Virginia                                                                                                   Jun 2010


 “Viscoelasticity of 2D Dusty Plasmas”

Yan Feng, John Goree and Bin Liu

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Norfolk, Virginia                                                                                                   Jun 2010


“Plasma Diagnostics Using Microparticle Motion in a Dusty Plasma under

Microgravity Conditions”

J. Goree, Bin Liu, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov,

        G. E. Morfill, H. M. Thomas and A. V. Ivlev

        EPS (European Physical Society) Plasma Conference

        Dublin, Ireland                                                                                                     Jun 2010


“Viscoelasticity of 2D Dusty Plasmas”

Yan Feng, John Goree, and Bin Liu

Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science

New London, NH                                                                                                   Jul 2010


“Non-Gaussian Velocity Distribution of Microparticles in Plasma under

Microgravity Conditions”

Amit K. Mukhopadhyay, J. Goree, Bin Liu, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, G. E. Morfill, H. M. Thomas and A. V. Ivlev

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                  Nov 2010


“Mode coupling for waves in a single-layer dusty plasma crystal”

Bin Liu, John Goree and Yan Feng,

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                  Nov 2010


“Laboratory observation of naturally occurring dust density waves”

Tim Flanagan and J. Goree

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                  Nov 2010


“Tiling analysis of melting in strongly coupled dusty plasma”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri, J. Goree, Yan Feng and Bin Liu

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                  Nov 2010


“Complex viscosity of 3D Yukawa liquids”

Z. Donkó, J. Goree and P. Hartmann

International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Garmisch, Germany                                                                                            May 2011


“Tiling analysis of melting in strongly coupled dusty plasma”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri, J. Goree, Yan Feng and Bin Liu

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Chicago, Illinois                                                                                                   Jun 2011


“Viscosity Quantified in a 2D Dusty Plasma Experiment”

 Yan Feng, J. Goree and Bin Liu

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Salt Lake City, UT                                                                                                Nov 2011


“Growth and nonlinearity in a self-excited dust-density wave”

J. Goree and T.M. Flanagan

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Salt Lake City, UT                                                                                                Nov 2011


        “Synchronization of self-excited dust acoustic waves

        W.D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Waco, Texas                                                                                                        May 2012


        “Complex shear viscosity

        Yan Feng, J. Goree and Bin Liu

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Waco, Texas                                                                                                        May 2012


        “Waves and instabilities in One-Dimensional Crystals

        Bin Liu, Yan Feng and J. Goree

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Waco, Texas                                                                                                        May 2012


        “Center-of-mass and breathing modes in a cluster of two microparticles

        Amit Mukhopadhyay and John Goree

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Waco, Texas                                                                                                        May 2012


        “Proposed Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station

        John Goree and Inseob Hahn

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Waco, Texas                                                                                                        May 2012


 “Dusty plasmas under microgravity conditions”

John Goree and Inseob Hahn

International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development Conference

Denver, CO                                                                                                          Jun 2012


“Synchronization of dust acoustic waves under microgravity conditions”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development Conference

Denver, CO                                                                                                          Jun 2013


 “Transport Measurements in Dusty Plasmas under Microgravity Conditions”

John Goree and Bin Liu

International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development Conference

Denver, CO                                                                                                          Jun 2013


“Oscillatory modes of two particulates levitated in an rf plasma”

Amit K. Mukhopadhyay, John Goree, and Bin Liu

Gaseous Electronics Conference

Princeton, NJ                                                                                                       Oct 2013


“Transport Measurements in Dusty Plasmas under Microgravity Conditions”

John Goree and Bin Liu

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2013 Annual Meeting

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2013


“Synchronization of dust acoustic waves under microgravity conditions”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2013 Annual Meeting

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2013


“Dust acoustic instability in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”

M. Rosenberg, G. J. Kalman, P. Hartmann and J. Goree

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2013 Annual Meeting

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2013


        “Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station

        John Goree and Inseob Hahn

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2013 Annual Meeting

Orlando, FL                                                                                                        Nov 2013


 “Improved laser heating technique for melting dusty plasma crystals”

 Zach Haralson and John Goree

American Physical Society Prairie Section Fall 2013 Meeting

Columbia, MO                                                                                                     Nov 2013


“Experimental test of the Fluctuation Theorem using a microsphere in a

rarefied gas”

Chun-Shang Wong, John Goree and Bin Liu

American Physical Society Prairie Section Fall 2013 Meeting

Columbia, MO                                                                                                     Nov 2013


        “Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station

        John Goree and Inseob Hahn

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Nov 2013


“Observation of temperature peaks due to strong viscous heating in a

dusty plasma flow”

John Goree, Yan Feng and Bin Liu

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Nov 2013


“Diffusion of 2D Yukawa liquids under a magnetic field”

Yan Feng, T. Intrator, J. Goree and Bin Liu

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Nov 2013


“Dust acoustic instability in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”

M. Rosenberg, G. J. Kalman, P. Hartmann and J. Goree

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Nov 2013



“Synchronization of the dust acoustic wave under microgravity”

W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

Denver, CO                                                                                                         Nov 2013


 “Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station”

        John Goree and Inseob Hahn

International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

New Delhi, India                                                                                                  Mar 2014


 “Experimental measurement of velocity correlations for two microparticles with ion wakes”

        Amit K. Mukhopadhyay and J. Goree

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Washington, D.C                                                                                                 May 2014


 “Mobility in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”

        J. Goree and Bin Liu

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science

Washington, D.C                                                                                                 May 2014


“Is the compressibility positive or negative in a strongly-coupled dusty plasma?”

John Goree and W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri

Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems 2014

Santa Fe, N.M.                                                                                                     July 2014


“Localized viscous heating observed in a two-dimensional strongly coupled dusty plasma”

Yan Feng, John Goree and Bin Liu

Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems 2014

Santa Fe, N.M.                                                                                                     July 2014


“Superdiffusion of 2D Yukawa Liquids due to a Perpendicular Magnetic Field”

Yan Feng, J. Goree, B. Liu, T. Intrator, and M. Murillo

Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems 2014

Santa Fe, NM                                                                                                       July 2014


“Synchronization of dust acoustic waves under microgravity conditions”

J. Goree, W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri, and Bin Liu

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2014 Annual Meeting

Pasadena, CA                                                                                                       Oct 2014


“The Dusty Plasma Physics Facility”

J. Goree and Inseob Hahn

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 2014 Annual Meeting

Pasadena, CA                                                                                                       Oct 2014


“Is the compressibility positive or negative in a strongly-coupled dusty plasma?”

John Goree and W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri

American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting

New Orleans, LA                                                                                                  Oct 2014


“Localized viscous heating observed in a two-dimensional strongly coupled dusty plasma”

John Goree, Yan Feng, and Bin Liu

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


“Improved two-beam method for heating of dusty plasma crystals”

Zach Haralson and John Goree

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


        “Perpendicular diffusion of a dilute beam of charged particles under PK-4 conditions”

Bin Liu and John Goree

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


“Structure characterization of three-dimensional dusty plasmas using two-dimensional images”

Bin Liu, John Goree, and W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


“Study of a two-dimensional shear flow”

Tim C. S. Wong, John Goree, and Bin Liu

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


“Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station”

John Goree and Inseob Hahn

Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Auburn, AL                                        May 2015


“Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station”

John Goree and Inseob Hahn

Gaseous Electronics Conference, Honolulu, HI                                                      Oct 2015


“Perpendicular diffusion of a dilute beam of charged particles in the PK-4 dusty plasma

Bin Liu and John Goree

Gaseous Electronics Conference, Honolulu, HI                                                      Oct 2015


“Novel multi-species root canal infection model in extracted human teeth”

K.A. Morio, D. Drake, F.B Teixeira, A. Villhauer, D. Lynch, J. Goree

American Association of Endodontists AADR Meeting, San Francisco, CA         Apr 6-9 2016


“Development of a new multi-species biofilm model for root canal

disinfection laboratory testing”

K.A. Morio, D. Drake, F.B. Teixeira, A. Villhauer, D. Lynch, J. Goree

American Association of Endodontists AAE Meeting,

San Francisco, CA                                                                                      Mar 16-19 2016


        “Statistical Physics Experiments at the Particle Level, Using Dusty Plasmas”

John Goree

NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop, Dana Point, CA                                         Apr 2016


“Experimental Demonstration of the Fluctuation Theorem for

Entropy Production in a Shear Flow”

Chung-Shang Wong, John Goree, Zach Haralson

26th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, Lyon, France    18-22 July 2016


“Experimental discovery that the Green­Kubo theory fails for viscosity in a 2D dusty plasma”

Zach Haralson and John Goree

26th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, Lyon, France    18-22 July 2016


"Experimental discovery that the Green-Kubo relation fails for viscosity

fails in a 2D dusty plasma"

Zach Haralson and John Goree

Quo vadis - Complex plasmas; Hamburg, Germany                                         1-4 Aug 2016


"The fluctuation theorem applied to a dusty plasma shear flow"

Chun-Shang Wong, John Goree, Zach Haralson, and Bin Liu

Quo vadis - Complex plasmas; Hamburg, Germany                                         1-4 Aug 2016



        “Wave Synchronization in Dusty Plasmas under Microgravity Conditions”

Bin Liu and John Goree

32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Cleveland, Ohio                                                                                             October 2016


Fluctuation Theorem Experiment Under Microgravity Conditions

John Goree

32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Cleveland, Ohio                                                                                             October 2016


 “An equation for pressure of a two-dimensional Yukawa liquid”

Yan Feng, Wei Li, Lin Ziaoling, Wei Lin, John Goree, and Bin Liu

58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics                                   Nov 2016


 “Coupling of an Acoustic Wave to Shear Motion due to Viscous Heating”

Bin Liu and J. Goree

8th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Prague, Czech Republic                                                                                       May 2017


 “Particle Velocity Distribution in a Three-Dimensional Dusty Plasmas”

B. Liu, J. Goree, M. Pustylnik, H. Thomas, M. Fink, G. Morfill, V. Fortov,

A. Usachev, V. Molotkov, A. Lipaev, O. Petrov, M. Thoma

8th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Prague, Czech Republic                                                                                       May 2017


 “Particle Velocity Distribution in a Three-Dimensional Dusty Plasmas”

B. Liu, J. Goree, M. Pustylnik, H. Thomas, M. Fink, G. Morfill, V. Fortov,

A. Usachev, V. Molotkov, A. Lipaev, O. Petrov, M. Thoma

33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Seattle, WA                                                                                                    October 2017


 “Excitation of an acoustic pulse by an impulsive shear flow in a dusty plasma”

lunarBin Liu, John Goree

59th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics                 

Milwaukee,WI                                                                                                October 2017


 “Shock-like pulse experiment in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”

Anton Kananovich, J. Goree

59th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics                 

Milwaukee, WI                                                                                               October 2017


 “Particle Velocity Distribution in a Three-Dimensional Dusty Plasma

under Microgravity  Conditions”
Bin Liu and J. Goree

33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Seattle, WA                                                                                                    October 2017


 “Nonlinear Wave Synchronization in Dusty Plasmas”

J. Goree and Bin Liu,

33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Seattle, WA                                                                                                    October 2017


"Microscopic fluctuations in a sheared liquid studied using a complex plasma,"

Chun-Shang Wong, John Goree, and Zach Haralson,

APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, California,                                               Mar 2018



        “Dusty plasma experiments under microgravity conditions”

John Goree and Bin Liu

NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop, La Jolla, CA                                              Apr 2018


 “Experimental observation of cnoidal wave structures of dust acoustic waves”

A. Sen, G. Ganguli, C. Crabtree, J. Goree, B. Liu, and S. Tiwari

15th Dusty Plasma Workshop, Baltimore, MD                                                        Jun 2018


 “Fluctuation Theorem Confirmed in a Dusty Plasma”

Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree and Bin Liu,

15th Dusty Plasma Workshop, Baltimore, MD                                                        Jun 2018


 “Diffusive motion in a three-dimensional cluster in PK-4”

 Zian Wei, Bin Liu, John Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov,

A. M. Lipaev, A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

15th Dusty Plasma Workshop, Baltimore, MD                                                        Jun 2018


 “Shear deformations in dusty plasma”

Bin Liu and J. Goree

15th Dusty Plasma Workshop, Baltimore, MD                                                        Jun 2018


 “Blast waves experiments in a 2D dusty plasma”

Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

15th Dusty Plasma Workshop, Baltimore, MD                                                        Jun 2018


“Diffusive motion in a three-dimensional cluster in PK-4”

 Zian Wei, Bin Liu, John Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov,

A. M. Lipaev, A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

ASGSR 2018, Bethesda, MD                                                                                  Oct 2018


 “Particulate imaging diagnostics in a gas-discharge plasma”

A. Kananovich and J. Goree.

71st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, OR                                   Nov 2018


 “Transport properties of two-dimensional Magnetized Yukawa Monolayers”

Yan Feng, J. Goree, M. Murillo

60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR              Nov 2018


 “Experimental measurement of shock thickness in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”

Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR              Nov 2018


“Experimental scheme for measuring viscoelasticity in a liquid 2D dusty plasma

with controlled heating”

Jorge Berumen and J. Goree

Bad Honnef Physics School - Strongly Coupled Systems, Bad Honnef, Germany      Apr 2019


“Results from dusty plasma experiments performed aboard ISS using the PK-4 instrument”

Bin Liu and J. Goree

2019 NASA Fundamental Physics and Quantum Technology Workshop

Washington D.C.,                                                                                                 Apr 2019


“Dusty Plasma Experiments under Microgravity Conditions”

J. Goree and Bin Liu

35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Denver, CO                                                                                                    October 2019


“Out-of-Plane Motion in a Shocked 2D Dusty Plasma”

A. Kananovich and J. Goree

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Microscopic Characterization of Shocks in 2D Dusty Plasma”

A. Kananovich and J. Goree

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in a plasma under microgravity conditions”

Bin Liu, J. Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Dusty Plasma Experiment for Measuring the Dynamic Structure Factor”

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, John Goree, Chun-Shang Wong, Jorge Berumen

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Experiment for Characterizing Viscoelasticity in a 2D Dusty Plasma with Shear Flows”

Jorge Berumen, John Goree, and Vitaliy Zhuravlyov

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Dust levitation in a modulated afterglow plasma”

Neeraj Chaubey, John Goree, Anton Kananovich

61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL    Oct 2019


“Beat Waves in Dusty Plasma”

Ajaz A. Mir, Sanat K. Tiwari, Abhijit Sen, Gurudus Ganguli, Chris Crabtree,

Bin Liu, and John Goree

12th International Conference on Plasma Science, Lucknow, India                         Nov 2019


“Dust Mitigation Method for Lunar Exploration Utilizing an Electron Beam”

X Wang, B Farr, J Goree, I Hahn, U Israelsson, M Horanyi

The Impact of Lunar Dust on Human Exploration                                                   Feb 2020


“The falling of a 2D dust crystal in an afterglow plasma”

 Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

9th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Moscow, Russia        Oct 2020


“Forced Korteweg-de Vries Model for Mixing of Waves in Dusty Plasma”

Ajaz Mir, Sanat Tiwari, Abhijit Sen, John Goree, Bin Liu,

Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli

9th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Moscow, Russia        Oct 2020


“Experiment and Simulation to Determine the Dynamic Structure Factor of a

Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma”

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov and John Goree

9th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Moscow, Russia        Oct 2020


“Experiments with Shocks in Dusty Plasmas”

John Goree

International Online Seminar on Dusty Plasmas

Organized by University of Kiel, Germany                                                            July 2020


“A New Technique for Lunar Dust Mitigation Utilizing an Electron Beam “

X. Wang, B. Farr, J. Goree, I. Hahn, U. Israelsson and M. Horányi

Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium, Virtual Fall Meeting                             October 2020


“Validity of Moments of the Dynamic Structure Factor in a Dusty Plasma”

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov and John Goree

62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN             Nov 2020


“Dust charge reversal in an afterglow plasma”

Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN             Nov 2020


“Experimental Measurement of Viscoelasticity in a 2D Dusty Plasma Using

Modulated Shear Flows”

Jorge Berumen and John Goree

62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN             Nov 2020


“Pulsed shear motion in a three-dimensional dusty plasma under microgravity conditions”

Bin Liu, J. Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN             Nov 2020


“Correlation and spectrum of dust acoustic waves in a plasma under microgravity conditions”

Bin Liu, J. Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

462nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN           Nov 2020


“Experiment of Dust Mitigation for Lunar Surface Exploration”

B. Farr, X. Wang, J. Goree, I. Hahn, I. Ulf, M. Horanyi

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting                                                            Dec 2020


“Electron Beam Dust Mitigation Method for Lunar Surface Exploration”

Benjamin Far, Xu Wang, John Goree, Inseob Hahn, E. Ulf E. Israelsson, and Mihaly Horanyi

Joint NASA Exploration Science Forum / European Lunar Symposium, Online          Jul 2021


“Electron Beam Dust Mitigation Method for Lunar Surface Exploration”

Benjamin Far, Xu Wang, John Goree, Inseob Hahn, E. Ulf E. Israelsson, and Mihaly Horanyi

Fundamental and Applied Lunar Surface Research in Physical Sciences, Online August 2021


“Hyperuniformity Parameter Measurements for a 2D Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma”

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, John Goree, Jack Douglas, Paolo Elvati, Angela Violi, Jorge Berumen

63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Pittsburgh                 Nov 2021


“Positive charging of dust grains in an afterglow plasma”

N. Chaubey, J. Goree, S. Lanham, M. Kushner, and U. Kortshagen

63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Pittsburgh                 Nov 2021


“COMPACT – a new complex plasma facility for the ISS”

Christina Knapek, Lenaic Couedel, Adrienne Dove, John Goree, Uwe Konopka, Andrey Lipaev, Andre Melzer, Svetlana Ratynskaia, Markus Thoma, Hubertus Thomas, Alexander Usachev

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece                                                   Jul 2022


“Charge reversal and Coulomb expansion of a dust cloud in an afterglow plasma”

Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Spokane, WA             Oct 2022


“Nonequilibrium Structure for Shocks in a 2D Dusty Plasma”

Anton Kananovich and John Goree

64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Spokane, WA             Oct 2022


“Turning a plasma physics discovery into a manufacturing application”

John Goree

MURI Annual Meeting, New Materials from Dusty Plasma, Ann Arbor, MI            Dec 2022


“Dust particle imaging as a diagnostic of afterglow plasma conditions”

Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

MURI Annual Meeting, New Materials from Dusty Plasma, Ann Arbor, MI            Dec 2022


“Static structure factor at long wavelengths for a dusty plasma liquid and other liquids”

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, John Goree, Jack F. Douglas, Paolo Elvati, and Angela Violi

MURI Annual Meeting, New Materials from Dusty Plasma, Ann Arbor, MI            Dec 2022


“Synchronization of nonlinear waves in dusty plasma

Ajaz Mir, Sanat Tiwari, Abhijit Sen, Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli and John Goree

50th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), Santa Fe, NM     May 2023


Dust in an afterglow plasma can undergo a double reversal in its charge polarity

Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

IEEE Conference on Plasma Science 2023, Santa Fe, NM                            21-25 May 2023


Ground-based experiments in a plasma afterglow to define dusty plasma flight experiments

John Goree and Neeraj Chaubey

2023 NASA Workshop on Fundamental Physics, Santa Barbara, CA            23-25 May 2023


Reversing the dust charge polarity in a plasma afterglow

Neeraj Chaubey and John Goree

49th European Conference on Plasma Physics (2023), Bordeaux, France       3 -7 July 7 2023


Nonlinear Mixing and Synchronization in Driven Dusty Plasma

Ajaz Mir, Sanat Tiwari, Abhijit Sen, Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli, and John Goree

3rd International Conference on Plasma Theory and Simulations (PTS-2023)

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India                                             21-23 Sep 2023


Buckling of Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma Under Shock Compression

Anton Kananovich and John Goree

65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver CO         Oct-Nov 2023


Reversing the dust charge polarity in a plasma afterglow

John Goree and Neeraj Chaubey

65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver CO         Oct-Nov 2023


Rearrangement of Microstructures from Hexagonal to Quadrilateral within Two-Dimensional Shocks

Anton Kananovich and John Goree

2024 Dusty Plasma Workshop, Minneapolis, MN                                                  May 2024


Rearrangement of Microstructures from Hexagonal to Quadrilateral within Two-Dimensional Shocks

Anton Kananovich and John Goree

2024 Dusty Plasma Workshop, Minneapolis, MN                                                  May 2024


Experimental measurements of dust particle in a plasma afterglow

J. Goree and Neeraj Chaubey

2024 Dusty Plasma Workshop, Minneapolis, MN                                                  May 2024

External Colloquia and Seminars


        IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

        "Radio-Frequency Waves Used as Plasma Diagnostics"                                      15 Jan 1985


        AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ

        "The Backward Electrostatic Ion-Cyclotron Wave,

        Fast-Wave Current Drive and FIR Laser Scattering"                                          13 Mar 1985


        Univ. of Illinois, Nuclear Eng. Seminar

        "Fast-Wave Current Drive"                                                                               25 Oct 1985


        Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole

        Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Seminar

        "Parasitic Excitation of the Lower Hybrid Wave"                                               13 Jan 1987


        Chemistry Dept., Univ. of Iowa, Colloquium

        "Microfabrication Science"                                                                               22 Jan 1987


        UCLA Dept. of Physics, Plasma Seminar

        "Basic Physics of Processing Plasmas"                                                               11 Jan 1988


        Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Iowa, Thermal Fluids Seminar

        "Comparison of Turbulent Transport in Fluids and Plasmas"                              17 Nov 1988


        Univ. of Wisconsin, NSF Eng. Research Center Seminar

        "Electron Transport in Planar Magnetron Plasmas"                                             24 Feb 1989


        Univ. of Illinois, Nuclear Eng. Seminar

        "Sputtering Magnetron Modeling and Experiments"                                           24 Apr 1990


        Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Institute Seminar

        "Dusty Plasma Experiments"                                                                              7 Dec 1991


        Univ. of TromsØ, Norway, Auroral Observatory Seminar

        "Dispersion Relation of the Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Wave"                            18 Jun 1992


        Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Plasma Physics Seminar

        "Plasma Crystals"                                                                                                9 Jul 1993


        Univ. Calif. San Diego, Physics Dept., Plasma Physics Seminar

        "Dusty Plasma Experiments and Modelling"                                                      13 Jun 1994


        Univ. of Wisconsin, NSF Eng. Research Center Seminar

        "Plasma Crystals"                                                                                            18 Nov 1994


        DLR, Cologne Germany, Institut für Raumsimulation Seminar

        "Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas"                                          8 Sep 1995


        University of Kiel, Germany, Experimental Physics Seminar

        "Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas"                                        18 Sep 1995


        University of Orleans, France, GREMI Seminar

        "Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas"                                        21 Sep 1995


        Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, Seminar

"Computer simulation to predict magnetron erosion profile"                              29 Nov 1995


        Max Planck Insitut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

        "Particle heating in plasma crystals"                                                                  13 Feb 1998



Applied Films, Corp., Boulder, CO, Seminar

        "Computer simulation to predict magnetron erosion profile"                                 9 Apr 1998


        University of Kiel, Germany, Experimental Physics Seminar

        "A new kind of plasma instability driven by ion drag on a dust particle"               5 May 1998


        Max Planck Institut für Plasma Physik, Tokamak Physics Seminar

        "Numerical simulations of sputtering magnetron plasmas"                                  18 Jun 1998


Max Planck Institut für Plasma Physik, Bereichsseminar Oberflaechenphysik

        "Growth of submicron dust particles due to sputtering in a discharge"                12 Nov 1998


        Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Iowa, Thermal/Fluids Seminar

        "International Space Station Experiments with Dusty Plasmas"                             7 Sep 2000


        Applied Physics Dept., Columbia Univ., Plasma Physics Colloquium

        "International Space Station Experiments with Dusty Plasmas"                           13 Oct 2000


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Lawrence University, Appleton WI                                              

        Making a plasma act like a crystal                                                                     15 Oct 2002


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Iowa State University

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                  13 Jan 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Grinnell College                                                                        

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                  21 Jan 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Case Western Reserve University                                                

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                  13 Feb 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Augustana College                                                                     

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                 17 Apr 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Carleton College                                                                       

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                 25 Apr 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Sonoma State College                                                                

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                12 May 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Swarthmore College

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                 26 Sep 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, California State University, Sacramento

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                 23 Oct 2003


        Physics Dept. Colloquium, Brigham Young University

        “Making a plasma act like a crystal”                                                                   7 Dec 2004


        Plasma Physics Colloquium, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

        “Dusty plasmas in basic science, astronomy, industry and fusion”                       20 Apr 2005


        Plasma Physics Seminar, University of Wisconsin at Madison

        “Dusty plasmas: fusion, space, semiconductor manufacturing & basic science”    12 Sep 2005


        Physics Colloquium, University of Greifswald, Germany

        “Two-dimensional liquids at an atomistic scale: dusty plasma experiments and

        numerical simulations.”                                                                                    20 Oct 2006


Physics Colloquium, University of Colorado

        “Two-dimensional liquids at an atomistic scale: dusty plasma experiments and

        numerical simulations.”                                                                                   26 Nov 2006


        Colloquium, P/T divisions, Los Alamos National Laboratory

        “Dusty plasmas: an overview including topics from condensed matter, fluids,

        and astronomy.”                                                                                                2 Aug 2007


        Physics Colloquium, Boston College

        “Low-dimensionality condensed matter experiments performed at an 

        atomistic scale using strongly-coupled dusty plasmas”                                        9 Apr 2008


        Physics Seminar, Boston College                                

        “Non-Gaussian statistics & anomalous transport, with tests using dusty plasmas 10 Apr 2008


        Physics Seminar, Grinnell College

        “Experiments with dusty plasmas performed on the International Space Station

        and in the laboratory”                                                                                      28 Apr 2009


        Physics Seminar, St. Olaf College

        “The electrical charge and motion of objects inserted into a plasma”                   21 Oct 2009


        Mechanical Engineering Seminar, University of Minnesota

        “Superheated solids and shear-induced melting experiments using dusty plasma

        as an analog system”                                                                                      18 Nov 2009


        Experimental Physics Seminar, University of Kiel, Germany,

        “Superheated solids and shear-induced melting experiments using dusty plasma

        as an analog system”                                                                                         9 Dec 2009


        Seminar in Honor of Professor Alexander Piel’s 60th Birthday

        University of Kiel, Germany

        “Pioneering the field of dusty plasmas”                                                              7 Dec 2010


        Physics Colloquium, Illinois State University

        “The electrical charge and motion of objects inserted into a plasma”                   19 Apr 2011


        Physics Seminar, Temple University

        “Laser-manipulated dusty plasmas as an analog system for studying melting

        and viscoelasticity”                                                                                         21 Mar 2013


        Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

        “The First Measurement of Spatially-localized Viscous Heating”                          3 Oct 2013


        Physics Colloquium, Auburn University

        “The First Measurement of Spatially-localized Viscous Heating”                        31 Jan 2014


        Physics Seminar, Boston College

        “The First Measurement of Spatially-localized Viscous Heating”                       20 Mar 2014


        Complex Plasma Summer School, Seton Hall University

        “Dusty Plasmas”                                                                                              6 Aug 2014


Physics Seminar, Emory University                                                                  27 Apr 2015

"Flipping" method of teaching physics, with software demonstration


        Physics Colloquium, Emory University                                                             28 Apr 2015

liu“Dusty Plasma”


Physics Seminar, Soochow University, China               

“Introduction to dusty plasma, with a comparison to soft condensed matter”          7 Oct 2015


Physics Seminar, University of Science and Technology of China                          8 Oct 2015

“Localized Viscous Heating Observed in a Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma”


Physics Seminar, University of Science and Technology of China                          9 Oct 2015

“Flipped Classroom” and “Peer Instruction” Methods of Teaching Physics


Plasma Physics Seminar, University of Wisconsin, Madison                                 7 Dec 2015

“Dusty plasmas for fundamental physics, fusion, semiconductor

manufacturing and astronomy”


Physics Colloquium, Truman State University                                                  5 April 2017

“Brief Violations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics Observed in Dusty Plasma Experiments”


Physics Seminar, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI                                          7 Nov 2017

“Violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Briefly”


SoCal Plasma Zoom Seminar, Univ. of California at San Diego (online)                   Jan 2021

“Shock Waves Observed Experimentally at the Particle Level in a Dusty Plasma”


NYU Soft Matter Seminar, New York University (online)                                   3 Nov 2021

“Dusty plasma experiments to explore soft-matter concepts”


JPP Frontiers of Plasma Physics Colloquium (online)                                         13 Jan 2022

“Dusty plasma experiments: strong coupling, shocks, and testing theories of statistical physics”


Princeton Heliophysics Seminar (online)                                                           6 June 2022

Charging of dust grains in a plasma


Applied Materials Inc., COP Forum (online)

“Particulates in a plasma: charging, forces, detection, and mitigation”                16 Sept 2022


Department of Aerospace Engineering Seminar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (online)

“Mitigating dust on surfaces for lunar exploration and spacecraft using plasmas and electron beams”                                                                                11 Nov 2022





Departmental Colloquia and Seminars Presented at The University of Iowa, since 2004


        Mechanical Engineering Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Shear Flow Imaged at a Microscopic Level in a Dusty Plasma”                         29 Jan 2004


        Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, The University of Iowa

        “Two-Dimensional Liquids Studied at an Atomistic Level”                                19 Sep 2005


        Plasma Physics Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Dusty plasmas in fusion and basic science”                                                     26 Sep 2005


        Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, The University of Iowa

        “Plasma Treatment for Biomedical Applications”                                               23 Jan 2006


        Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, The University of Iowa

        “Experiments performed on the International Space Station to observe

        charged objects in plasma”                                                                               12 Oct 2009


        Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Plasma Jet for Disinfection of Bacteria”                                                           14 Apr 2011


        Plasma Physics Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Dusty Plasma Physics Facility for the International Space Station”                     31 Jan 2012


        Plasma Physics Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Subsonic ion wake demonstrated in a microgravity experiment”                        23 Apr 2012


        Physical and Environmental Chemistry Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Superheating of a melting solid studied experimentally using an analog physical system”

                                                                                                                          1 October 2012


        Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, The University of Iowa

        “Oscillatory motion of a row of droplets in a microfluidic flow”                          8 Nov 2012


Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, The University of Iowa

“The First Measurement of Spatially-localized Viscous Heating”                          9 Sep 2013


        Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, The University of Iowa

“Experiments on the thermodynamics and fluctuations in laminar shear flows of a very small size”  

-- talk given by Chun-Shang Wong                                                                   17 Sep 2015


Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, The University of Iowa

Brief Violations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in a Collisional Plasma   2 Oct 2016


        Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, The University of Iowa

“Shock waves studied at a microscopic level in a solid 2D dusty plasma”                              

-- talk given by Anton Kananovich                                                                      5 Sep 2019


Plasma Physics Seminar, The University of Iowa

“Controlling a plasma afterglow to mitigate particle contamination in semiconductor manufacturing”            3 Apr 2023


Plasma Physics Seminar, The University of Iowa

“Reversing the dust charge polarity in a plasma afterglow”                                  4 Mar 2024





        In addition to the above, John A. Goree is a co-author of several talks per year

given by students and research scientists working under his supervision and presented in the Plasma Physics Seminar at The University of Iowa.



Microgravity experiments performed on the International Space Station


PK-4 Campaign #5, “Nonlinear wave synchronization experiment”                      7 Nov 2018

PK-4 Campaign #7, “Pulsed shear motion experiment”                                      26 July 2019

PK-4 Campaign #9, “Nonlinear wave synchronization experiment”             27 February 2020
Publications in Refereed Journals



1.      A. H. Boozer, T. K. Chu, R. L. Dewar, H. P. Furth, J. A. Goree, J. L. Johnson, R. M. Kulsrud,

         D. A. Monticello, G. Kuo-Petravic, G. Sheffield, S. Yoshikawa and O. Bettancourt

         Two High-Beta Toroidal Configurations: A Stellarator and a Tokamak-Torsatron Hybrid

         Nuclear Fusion Vol. III S, pp. 129-139, 1983


2.      J. Goree, M. Ono, P. Colestock, D. McNeill and H. Park

         Fast-Wave Current Drive in a Toroidal Plasma

         Physical Review Letters, Vol. 55, pp. 1669-1672, 1985


3.      J. Goree, D. K. Mansfield, M. Ono and K. L. Wong

         Far-Infrared Laser Scattering in the ACT-I Toroidal Device

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A3, 1074-1076, 1985


4.      J. Goree, M. Ono and K. L. Wong

         Observation of the Backward Electrostatic Ion-Cyclotron Wave

         Physics of Fluids, Vol. 28, pp. 2845-2847, 1985


5.      J. Goree

         Double Lock-in Detection for Recovering Weak Coherent Radio Frequency Signals

         Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 56, 1662-1664, 1985


6.      J. Goree and M. Ono

         Lower-Hybrid Wave Excitation by a Fast-Wave Current Drive Antenna

         Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 28, pp. 1105-1108, 1988


7.      J. Goree and J. S. Neff

         Lidar Technique for Measuring Ionospheric Barium-Release Ion Density

         Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 94, pp. 1533-1536, 1989


8.      M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Plasma Ion Temperatures: Corrections for Saturation Broadening

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A7, pp. 977-981, 1989


9.      T. E. Sheridan and J. Goree

         Low-Frequency Turbulent Transport in Magnetron Plasmas

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A7, pp. 1014-1018, 1989


10.    T. E. Sheridan and J. Goree

         Analytic Expression for the Electric Potential in the Plasma Sheath

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 17, pp. 884-888, 1989

         DOI 10.1109/27.41228



11.    M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Comment on "Optical Carriage for Laser-Induced Fluorescence in a Magnetized Plasma"

         Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 60, pp. 3830-3831, 1989


12.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Model of Energetic Electron Transport in Magnetron Discharges

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A8, pp. 30-37, 1990


13.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Electron and Ion Transport in Magnetron Plasmas

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A8, pp. 1623-1626, 1990


14.    J. E. Miranda, M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Monte Carlo Simulation of Ionization in a Magnetron Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A8, pp. 1627-1631, 1990


15.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Laser-Induced Fluorescence Characterization of Ions in a Magnetron Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol A8, pp. 3920-3924, 1990


16.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Pressure Dependence of Ionization Efficiency in a Magnetron Discharge

         Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 57, pp. 2080-2082, 1990


17.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Monte Carlo Simulation of Ions in a Magnetron Plasma

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 19, pp. 301-308, 1991

         DOI: 10.1109/27.106828


18.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Observation of Two-Temperature Electrons in a Sputtering Magnetron Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. 9A, pp. 688-690, 1991


19.    J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Magnetic Field Dependence of Sputtering Magnetron Efficiency

         Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 59, pp. 1052-1054, 1991


20.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Laser-Induced Fluorescence Characterization of a Multidipole Filament Plasma

         Physics of Fluids B, Vol. 3, pp. 2913-2921, 1991



21.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Ion Impact Etch Anisotropy Downstream from Diffusion Plasma Sources

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. 9A, pp. 3178-3180, 1991


22.    T. E. Sheridan and J. Goree

         Collisional Plasma Sheath Model

         Physics of Fluids B, Vol. 3, pp. 2796-2804, 1991


23.    T. E. Sheridan, J. Goree, Y. T. Chiu, R. L. Rairden and J. A. Kiessling

         Observation of Dust Shedding from Material Bodies in a Plasma

         Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Vol. 97, pp. 2935-2942, 1992


24.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Measurements of Ion Velocity and Density in the Plasma Sheath

         Physics of Fluids B, Vol. 4, pp. 1663-1670, 1992


25.    J. Goree

         Ion Trapping by a Charged Dust Grain in a Plasma

         Physical Review Letters, Vol. 69, pp. 277-280, 1992


26.    J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Particulate Release from Surfaces Exposed to a Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, Vol. 10, pp. 3540-3544, 1992


27.    M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Saturation Broadening of Laser-Induced Fluorescence from Plasma Ions

         Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 64, pp. 996-1000, 1993


28.    J. Goree and Y. T. Chiu

         Dust Contamination of the Spacecraft Environment by Exposure to Plasma

         Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 30, pp. 765-767, 1993


29.    Chunshi Cui and J. Goree

         Fluctuations of the Charge on a Dust Grain in a Plasma

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 22, pp. 151-158, 1994

         DOI: 10.1109/27.279018


30.    H. Thomas, G. Morfill, V. Demmel, J. Goree, B. Feuerbacher and D. Möhlmann

         Plasma Crystal: Coulomb Crystallization in a Dusty Plasma

         Physical Review Letters Vol. 73, pp. 652-656, 1994



31.    T. E. Sheridan and J. Goree

         Langmuir Probe Characteristic in the Presence of Drifting Electrons

         Physical Review E Vol. 50, pp. 2991-2996, 1994


32.    J. Goree

         Charging of Particulates in a Plasma

         Plasma Sources Science and Technology Vol. 3, pp. 400-406, 1994


33.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         Observations of Particle Layers Levitated in an rf Sputtering Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vol. 12, pp. 3137-3145, 1994


34.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         Cosmic Dust Synthesis by Accretion and Coagulation

         Astrophysical Journal Vol. 441, pp. 830-838, 1995


35.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Electron Distribution Functions in a Sputtering Magnetron Discharge

         Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 34, pp. 4977-4982, 1995


36.    F. Melandsø and J. Goree

         Polarized Supersonic Plasma Flow Simulation for Charged Bodies such as Dust Particles and Spacecraft

         Physical Review E Vol. 52, pp. 5312-5326, 1995


37.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         A Scattering Ratio Method for Sizing Sub-Micron Particles Suspended in a Plasma

         Plasma Sources Science and Technology Vol. 5, pp. 84 - 92, 1996


38.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         Evolution of a Particulate Cloud in an RF Plasma

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 24, pp. 97-98, 1996

         DOI: 10.1109/27.491710


39.    R. A. Quinn, C. S. Cui, J. Goree, J. B. Pieper, H. Thomas and G. Morfill

         Structural Analysis of a Coulomb Lattice in a Dusty Plasma

         Physical Review E Vol.53, pp. R2049(R), 1996


40.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         Plasma Method of Synthesizing Aerosol Particles

         Journal of Aerosol Science Vol. 27, pp. 1257-1268, 1996


41.    G. Praburam and J. Goree

         Experimental Observation of Very Low-Frequency Macroscopic Modes in a Dusty Plasma

         Physics of Plasmas Vol. 3, pp. 1212-1219, 1996


42.    J. B. Pieper, J. Goree and R. A. Quinn

         Experimental Studies of 2D and 3D Structure in a Crystallized Dusty Plasma

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vol. 14, pp. 519-524, 1996


43.    F. Melandsø and J. Goree

         Particle Simulation of Two-Dimensional Dust Crystal Formation

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vol. 14, pp. 511- 518, 1996


44.    J. B. Pieper, J. Goree and R. A. Quinn

         Three-Dimensional Structure in a Crystallized Dusty Plasma

         Physical Review E Vol. 54, pp. 5636-5640, 1996


45.    J. B. Pieper and J. Goree

         Dispersion of Plasma Dust-Acoustic Waves in the Strongly-Coupled Regime

         Physical Review Letters Vol. 77, pp. 3137-3140, 1996


46.    T. E. Sheridan, M. J. Goeckner and J. Goree

         Electron Velocity Distribution Functions in a Sputtering Magnetron Discharge in the E´B Direction

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology Vol. A 16, pp. 2173-2176, 1998


47.    J. A. Goree, G. Morfill and V. N. Tsytovich

Excitation of Collective Plasma Modes during Collisions between Dust Grains and the Formation of Dust Plasma Crystals

         Plasma Physics Reports Vol. 24, pp. 490-497, 1998


48.    D. Samsonov and J. Goree

Instabilities in a Dusty Plasma with Ion Drag and Ionization

         Physical Review E Vol. 59, 1047-1058, 1999


49.    D. Samsonov and J. Goree

Line Ratio Imaging of a Gas Discharge

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 27, 76-77, 1999

         DOI: 10.1109/27.763046


50.    D. Samsonov and J. Goree

         Particle Growth in a Sputtering Discharge

         Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vol. 17, 2835-2840, 1999



51.    J. Goree, G. E. Morfill, V. N. Tsytovich and S. V. Vladimirov

         Theory of Dust Voids in Plasmas

         Physical Review E Vol. 59, 7055-7067, 1999


52.    G. E. Morfill, H. M. Thomas, U. Konopka, H. Rothermel, M. Zuzic, A. Ivlev and J. Goree

         Condensed Plasmas under Microgravity

         Physical Review Letters Vol. 83, pp. 1598-1601, 1999


53.    D. Samsonov, J. Goree, Z. W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee, H. M. Thomas and G. E. Morfill

Mach Cones in a Coulomb Lattice and a Dusty Plasma

Physical Review Letters Vol. 83, pp. 3649-3652, 1999


54.    A. V. Ivlev, D. Samsonov, J. Goree and G. Morfill

Acoustic Modes in a Collisional Dusty Plasma

Physics of Plasmas Vol. 6, pp. 741-750, 1999


55.    R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

         Single-Particle Langevin Model of Particle Heating in a Dusty Plasma

         Physical Review E Vol. 61, pp. 3033-3041, 2000


56.    U. Konopka, D. Samsonov, A. V. Ivlev, J. Goree, V. Steinberg and G. E. Morfill

         Rigid and Differential Plasma Crystal Rotation Induced by Magnetic Fields

         Physical Review E Vol. 61, pp. 1890-1898, 2000


57.    D. Samsonov, J. Goree, H. M. Thomas and G. E. Morfill

         Mach Cone Shocks in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa Solid Using a Complex Plasma

         Physical Review E Vol. 61, pp. 5557-5572, 2000


58.    S. Nunomura, D. Samsonov and J. Goree

         Transverse Waves in a Two-Dimensional Screened-Coulomb Crystal (Dusty Plasma)

         Physical Review Letters Vol. 84, pp. 5141-5144, 2000


59.    A. Melzer, S. Nunomura, D. Samsonov, Z. W. Ma and J. Goree

         Laser-Excited Mach Cones in a Dusty Plasma Crystal

         Physical Review E Vol. 62, pp. 4162-4176, 2000


60.         R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

            Experimental Investigation of Particle Heating on a Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasma

            Physics of Plasmas Vol. 7, pp. 3904-3911, 2000



61.         M. Zuzic, A. V. Ivlev, J. Goree, G. E. Morfill, H. M. Thomas, H. Rothermel, U. Konopka,

            R. Sütterlin and D. D. Goldbeck

Three-Dimensional Strongly-Coupled Plasma Crystal under Gravity Conditions

            Physical Review Letters Vol. 85, pp. 4064-4067, 2000


62.         V. N. Tsytovich, S. V. Vladimirov, G. E. Morfill and J. Goree

Theory of Collision-Dominated Dust Voids in Plasmas

Physical Review E Vol. 63, pp. 056609-1 056609-11 2001


63.         D. Samsonov, A. V. Ivlev, G. E. Morfill and J. Goree

Long-range Attractive and Repulsive Forces in a Two-Dimensional Complex (Dusty) Plasma

Physical Review E Vol. 63, pp. 025401-1(R) - 025401-4(R), 2001


64.         Xiaogang Wang, A. Bhattacharjee, S.K. Gou and J. Goree

Ionization Instabilities and Resonant Acoustic Modes

Physics of Plasmas Vol. 8, pp. 5018-5024, 2001


65.         R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

Experimental Test of Two-Dimensional Melting Through Disclination Unbinding

Physical Review E Vol. 64 art. no 051404, 2001


66.         V. Nosenko, J. Goree, Z. W. Ma and A. Piel

Observation of Shear-Wave Mach Cones in a 2D Dusty-Plasma Crystal

Physical Review Letters Vol. 88, art. no 135001, 2002


67.         S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee

Dispersion Relations of Longitudinal and Transverse Waves in Two-Dimensional Screened Coulomb crystals

Physical Review E Vol. 65, art. no 066402, 2002


68.         R. A. Quinn and J. Goree

Particle Interaction Measurements in a Coulomb Crystal Using Caged-Particle Motion

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 88, art. no 195001, 2002


69.         V. Nosenko, S. Nunomura and J. Goree

Nonlinear Compressional Pulses in a 2D Crystallized Dusty Plasma

Physical Review Letters Vol. 88, art. no 215002 2002


70.         S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang, A. Bhattacharjee and K. Avinash

Phonon Spectrum of a Plasma Crystal

Physical Review Letters Vol. 89, art. no 035001, 2002


71.         A. Piel, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

Experiments and MD Simulation of Elastic Waves in a Plasma Crystal Radiated from a Small Dipole Source

Physical Review Letters Vol. 89, art. no 085004, 2002

72.         V. A. Schweigert, I. V. Schweigert, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

         Acceleration and Orbits of Charged Particles Beneath a Monolayer Plasma Crystal

         Physics of Plasmas Vol. 9, pp. 4465-4472, 2002

73.         Bin Liu, V. Nosenko, J. Goree and L. Boufendi

Radiation Pressure and Gas Drag Forces on a Melamine-Formaldehyde Microsphere in Dusty Plasma

Physics of Plasmas Vol. 10, pp. 9-20, 2003

74.   V. Ivlev, M. Kretschmer, M. Zuzic, G. E. Morfill, H. Rothermel, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov,

         V. A. V. Ivlev, M. Kretschmer, M. Zuzic, G. E. Morfill, H. Rothermel, H. M. Thomas,

         V. E. Fortov, V. I. Molotkov, A. P. Nefedov, A. M. Lipaev, O. F. Petrov, Yu. M. Baturin,

         A. I. Ivanov and J. Goree

Decharging of Complex Plasmas: First Kinetic Observations

Physical Review Letters Vol. 90, art. no 055003, 2003

75.   Anatoli P. Nefedov, Gregor E. Morfill, Vladimir E. Fortov, Hubertus M. Thomas, Hermann

Rothermel, Tanja Hagl, Alexei V. Ivlev, Milenko Zuzic, Boris A. Klumov, Andrey M. Lipaev,

Vladimir I Molotkov, Oleg F Petrov, Yuri P Gidzenko, Sergey K. Krikalev, William Shepherd,

Alexandr I. Ivanov, Maria Roth, Horst Binnenbruck, John A. Goree and Yuri P. Semenov

PKE-Nefedov: Plasma Crystal Experiments on the International Space Station

         New Journal of Physics Vol. 5, article no. 33, 2003

76.   A. Piel, A. Homann, M. Klindworth, A. Melzer, C. Zafiu, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

Waves and Oscillations in Plasma Crystals

Journal of Physics B, Vol. 36, 533-543, 2003

77.   S. Nunomura, S. Zhdanov, G.E. Morfill, and J. Goree

        Nonlinear Longitudinal Waves in a Two-Dimensional Screened Coulomb Crystal

Physical Review E, Vol. 68, art. no 026407, 2003

78.   K. Avinash, P. Zhu, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

         Nonlinear Compressional Waves in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa Lattice

Physical Review E, Vol. 68, art. no 046402, 2003

79.   V. Nosenko, J. Goree, Z.W. Ma, D.H.E. Dubin and A. Piel

Compressional and Shear Wakes in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal

Physical Review E Vol. 68, art. no 056409, 2003

80.   Bin Liu, K. Avinash and J. Goree

Transverse Optical Mode in a One-Dimensional Yukawa Chain

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 91, art. no 255003, 2003


81.   V. Nosenko, K. Avinash, J. Goree and Bin Liu

Nonlinear Interaction of Compressional Waves in a 2D Dusty Plasma Crystal

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, art. no 085001, 2004


82.   Bin Liu, K. Avinash and J. Goree

Characterizing potentials using the structure of a one-dimensional chain demonstrated using a dusty plasma crystal

         Physical Review E, Vol. 69, art. no 036410, 2004


83.   Robert L. Merlino and John A. Goree

Dusty Plasmas in Industry, the Laboratory and Space

         Physics Today, Vol. 57, 32-38, 2004



84.   V. Nosenko and J. Goree

  Shear Flows and Shear Viscosity in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa System (Dusty Plasma)

         Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, pp. art. no 155004, 2004


85.   Bin Liu and J. Goree

  Natural Phonons in a One-Dimensional Yukawa Chain: Dusty Plasma Experiment and


  Physical Review E, Vol. 71, pp. art. no 046410,  2005


86.   Bin Liu and J. Goree

  Shear Viscosity of Two-Dimensional Yukawa Systems in Liquid State

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 94, article no. 185002, 2005


87.   Bin Liu, J. Goree, and O. Vaulina

  Test of Stokes-Einstein Relation in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa Liquid

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 96, article no. 015005, 2006


88.   V. Nosenko, J. Goree, and F. Skiff

  Bispectral Analysis of Nonlinear Compressional Waves in a

  Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma Crystal

  Physical Review E, Vol. 73, article no. 016401, 2006


89.   Z. Donkó, J. Goree, P. Hartmann, and K. Kutasi

        Shear Viscosity and Shear Thinning in Two-Dimensional Yukawa Liquids

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 96, article no. 145003, 2006


90.   J. Goree, Bin Liu, David Drake, and E. Stoffels

  Killing of S. mutans Bacteria Using a Plasma Needle at Atmospheric Pressure

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 34, pp. 1317 – 1324, 2006

DOI : 10.1109/TPS.2006.878431



91.   J. Goree, Bin Liu, and David Drake

  Gas Flow Dependence for Plasma-Needle Disinfection of S. mutans Bacteria

  Journal of Physics D, Vol. 39, pp. 3479-3486,  2006


92.   V. Nosenko, J. Goree, and A. Piel

  Laser Method of Heating Monolayer Dusty Plasmas

  Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 13, article no. 032106, 2006


93.   A. Piel, V. Nosenko, and J. Goree

  Laser-Excited Shear Waves in Solid and Liquid Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasmas

  Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 13, article no. 042104, 2006


94.   O. S. Vaulina, S. V. Vladimirov, A. Yu. Repin, and J. Goree

  Effect of electrostatic Plasma Oscillations on the Kinetic Energy of a Charged


  Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 13, article no. 012111, 2006


95.   V. Nosenko, J. Goree, and A. Piel

  Cutoff Wave Number for Shear Waves in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa System (Dusty


  Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, article no. 115001, 2006


96.   A. Piel and J. Goree

  Relationship between Dust Acoustic Waves in Two and Three Dimensions

  Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 13, article no. 104510, 2006


97.   T. Flanagan and J. Goree

  Dust Release from Surfaces Exposed to Plasma

  Physics of Plasmas, Vol.13, article no. 123504,  2006


98.   Bin Liu and J. Goree

  Superdiffusion in Two-Dimensional Yukawa Liquids

  Physical Review E, Vol. 75, article no. 016405, pp. 1-5, 2007


99.   Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

  Accurate Measurement of Particle Positions from Images

         Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 78, article no. 053704, pp. 1-10, 2007


100.     Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, and J. Goree

  Shear Viscosity of Strongly-Coupled Two-Dimensional Yukawa Liquids: Experiment

  and Modeling

  Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 21, pp. 1357 – 1376, 2007



101.     V. Nosenko, S. Zhdanov, A. Ivlev, G. Morfill, J. Goree and A. Piel

     Heat transport in a two-dimensional complex (dusty) plasma at melting conditions

     Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, article no. 025003, pp. 1-4 Jan 2008


102.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

     Superdiffusion and non-Gaussian statistics in a driven-dissipative 2D dusty plasma

     Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, article no. 055003, pp. 1-4 Feb 2008

     Arxiv 0801.3991


103.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Solid Superheating Observed in Two-Dimensional Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma

   Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, article no. 205007, pp. 1-4 May 2008

     Arxiv 0805.0126


104.     T. E. Sheridan, V. Nosenko and J. Goree

         Experimental Study of Nonlinear Solitary Waves in Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma

         Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 15, article no. 073703, pp. 1-6 July 2008


105.     Yan Feng, Bin Liu, and J. Goree

         Rapid Heating and Cooling in Two-Dimensional Yukawa Systems

         Physical Review E, Vol. 78, article no. 026415, Aug 2008


106.     Bin Liu, J. Goree, and Yan Feng

Non-Gaussian Statistics and Superdiffusion in a Driven-Dissipative Dusty Plasma
Physical Review E, Vol. 78, article no. 046403, Oct 2008


107.     Z. Donkó, J. Goree, P. Hartmann, and Bin Liu

         Time Correlation Functions and Transport Coefficients of Two-Dimensional Yukawa


         Physical Review E, Vol. 79, article no. 026401, pp. 1-12, Feb 2009


108.     Bin Liu and J. Goree, V.E. Fortov, A.M. Lipaev, V.I. Molotkov, O.F. Petrov, G.E. Morfill,

 H.M. Thomas, H. Rothermel, and A.V. Ivlev

Transverse Oscillations in a Single-Layer Dusty Plasma under Microgravity
Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 16, article no. 083703, Aug 2009


109.     T.M. Flanagan and J. Goree

         Gas flow driven by thermal creep in dusty plasma

         Physical Review E, Vol. 80, article no. 046402, pp. 1-7, Oct 2009


110.     Oliver Arp, David Caliebe, Kristoffer O. Menzel, Alexander Piel, and John A. Goree

Experimental Investigation of Dust Density Waves and Plasma Glow

            IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 38, pp. 842-846, April 2010

         DOI : 10.1109/TPS.2009.2034312



111.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Evolution of shear-induced melting in a dusty plasma

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 104, article no. 155003, April 2010


112.     Bin Liu, J. Goree, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, G. E. Morfill,

H. M. Thomas, and A. V. Ivlev

Dusty plasma diagnostics methods for charge, electron temperature, and ion density

Physics of Plasmas Vol. 17, article no. 053701, May 2010


113.     Z. Donkó, J. Goree, and P. Hartmann

         Viscoelastic response of Yukawa liquids                    

         Physical Review E, Vol. 81, article no. 056404, May 2010


114.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Viscoelasticity of 2D liquids quantified in a dusty plasma experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, article no. 025002, July 2010


115.     Bin Liu, J. Goree and Yan Feng

Mode coupling for phonons in a single-layer dusty plasma crystal

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, article no. 085004, August 2010

         Erratum: Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, article no. 269901 December 2010


116.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Identifying anomalous diffusion and melting in dusty plasmas

Physical Review E, Vol. 82, article no. 036403, September 2010


117.     T.M. Flanagan and J. Goree

Observation of the spatial growth of self-excited dust-density waves

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 17, article no. 123702, December 2010


118.     T.M. Flanagan and J. Goree

Development of nonlinearity in a growing self-excited dust-density wave

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 18, article no. 013705, January 2011


119.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Viscosity calculated in simulations of strongly-coupled dusty plasmas with gas friction

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 18, 057301, April 2011


120.     Yan Feng, John Goree, and Bin Liu

Errors in particle tracking velocimetry with high-speed cameras

Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, article no. 053707, May 2011



121.     W.D. Suranga Ruhunusiri,  J. Goree, Yan Feng, and Bin Liu

Polygon construction to investigate melting in 2D strongly-coupled dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol. 83, article no. 066402, June 2011


122.     Yan Feng, John Goree, Bin Liu, and E.G.D. Cohen

Green-Kubo relation for viscosity tested using experimental data for a

two-dimensional dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol.  84, article no. 046412, October 2011


123.     W.D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and  J. Goree

Synchronization and Arnold tongues for dust density waves

Physical Review E, Vol. 85, article no. 046401, April 2012


124.     O. Arp,  J. Goree, and A. Piel

Particle chains in a dilute dusty plasma with subsonic ion flow

Physical Review E, Vol. 85, article no. 046409, April 2012


125.     J. Goree, Z. Donkó, and P. Hartmann

         Cutoff wave number for shear waves and Maxwell relaxation time in Yukawa liquids

         Physical Review E, Vol. 85, article no. 066401, June 2012


126.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Frequency-dependent shear viscosity of a liquid two-dimensional dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol. 85, article no. 066402, June 2012


127.     Amit K. Mukhopadhyay and J. Goree

         Two-particle distribution and correlation function for a 1D dusty plasma experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109, article no. 165003, Oct  2012

         Erratum: Physical Review Letters, Vol. 111, article no. 139902, Sep 2013


128.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

Observation of temperature peaks due to strong viscous heating in a dusty plasma flow

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109, article no. 185002  Oct 2012


129.     Bin Liu, J. Goree, and Yan Feng

         Waves and instability in a one-dimensional microfluidic array

Physical Review E, Vol. 86, article no. 046309, Oct 2012


130.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

         Energy transport in a shear flow of particles in a two-dimensional dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol. 86, article no. 056403, Nov 2012



131.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, and Bin Liu

         Longitudinal viscosity of two-dimensional Yukawa liquids

Physical Review E, Vol. 87, article no. 013106, Jan 2013


132.     J. Goree, Yan Feng, and Bin Liu

Diagnostics for transport phenomena in strongly coupled dusty plasmas

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 55, article no. 124004, Nov 2013


133.     Alexander Piel and John A. Goree

         Collisional and collisionless expansion of Yukawa balls

Physical Review E, Vol. 88, article no. 063103, Dec 2013


134.     M. Rosenberg, G. J. Kalman, P. Hartmann, and J. Goree

Effect of strong coupling on the dust acoustic instability

Physical Review E, Vol. 89, article no. 013103, Jan 2014


135.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

            Mobility in a strongly coupled dusty plasma with gas

            Physical Review E, Vol. 89, article no. 043107 Apr 2014



136.     W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

Dispersion relations for the dust-acoustic wave under experimental conditions

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 21, article no. 053702 May 2014



137.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

Perpendicular diffusion of a dilute beam of charged dust particles in a strongly coupled dusty plasma

            Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 21, article no. 063704 June 2014


138.     Amit K. Mukhopadhyay and J. Goree

         Experimental measurement of velocity correlations for two microparticles in a

         plasma with ion flow

Physical Review E, Vol. 90, article no. 013102  July 2014


139.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu, T. P. Intrator and M. S. Murillo

            Superdiffusion of 2D Yukawa liquids due to a perpendicular magnetic field

Physical Review E, Vol. 90, article no. 013105 July 2014



140.     W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri and J. Goree

Imaging of the dust acoustic wave to explore synchronization

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42, pp. 2688-2689, Oct 2014


141.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

            Simulation of three-dimensional dusty plasmas

            IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42, pp. 2686-2687 Oct 2014


142.     Bin Liu, John Goree, and W. D. Suranga Ruhunusiri  

         Characterization of three-dimensional structure using images

         Review Scientific Instruments, Vol. 86, article no. 033703 March 2015

143.     M. T. Gabdullin, T. S. Ramazanov, M. M. Muratov, T. N. Ismagambetova,  G. B. Akhtanova,

         and J. A. Goree

Structural Characteristics and Equation of State of the Complex Plasmas

         Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol. 55, pp. 366-372, May 2015


144.     Bin Liu and John Goree

Test of the Einstein Relation in Dusty Plasmas

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 44, pp. 483-486, Aug 2015

         DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2015.2467966

145.     Zachary Haralson and John Goree

         Laser Heating of Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasmas Using a Random Arc Pattern                              IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 44, pp. 549-552, Aug 2015

          DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2015.2498526

146.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, Z. Haralson, C.-S. Wong, A. Kananovich, and Weil Li

Particle position and velocity measurement in dusty plasmas using particle tracking velocimetry

         Journal of Plasma Physics, Vol. 82, article no. 615820303, pp.  Feb 2016

         DOI: 10.1017/S0022377816000593

147.     Roman Belousov, E.G.D. Cohen, Chun-Shang Wong, John Goree, and Yan Feng

         Skewness of steady state current fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems

         Physical Review E, Vol. 93, art. no. 042125, Apr  2016

         DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.042125

148.     Yan Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu, Lei Wang, Wen-de Tian

Pressure of two-dimensional Yukawa liquids

         Journal of Physics D, Vol. 49, article no. 235203, May 2016

         DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/49/23/235203

149.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

Coupling of an acoustic wave to shear motion due to viscous heating

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 23, article no. 073707, July 2016

150.     Zach Haralson and J. Goree 

Temperature dependence of viscosity in a two-dimensional dusty plasma without the effects of shear thinning

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 23, article no. 093703, Sept. 2016


151.     Zach Haralson and J. Goree

Overestimation of viscosity by the Green-Kubo method in a dusty plasma experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol. 118, article no. 195001, May 2017

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.195001

152.     Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree, Zach Haralson, and Bin Liu

         Strongly coupled plasmas obey the fluctuation theorem for entropy production

         Nature Physics, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 21-24 2018; published online 11 Sept 2017

         DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS4253

153.     Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree, Zach Haralson

Einstein Frequency Measurement for a Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma

         IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 46, pp. 763-767,

         October 2017 online, April 2018 print

            DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2017.2746012

154.     Bin Liu and J. Goree

Determination of yield stress of 2D (Yukawa) dusty plasma

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 24, article no. 103702, Sept 2017

         DOI: 10.1063/1.4994840

155.     Bin Liu, J. Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

   A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

Particle velocity distribution in a three-dimensional dusty plasma under microgravity conditions

AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1925, article no. 020005 Jan 2018

156.     Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree, and Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan

Experimental demonstration that a free-falling aerosol particle obeys a fluctuation theorem

Physical Review E, Vol. 97, article no. 050601(R) May 2018

157.     Zach Haralson, J. Goree, and Roman Belousov

Dusty plasma experiment to confirm an expression for the decay of

autocorrelation functions

Physical Review E, Vol. 98, article no. 023201, Physical Review E Aug 2018


158.     Bin Liu, John Goree, Tim Flanagan, Abhijit Sen, Sanat Tiwari, Gurudas Ganguli,

         and Chris Crabtree

         Experimental observation of cnoidal waveform of nonlinear dust acoustic waves

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 25, Issue 11, article no. 113701, Nov 2018, DOI: 10.1063/1.5046402

159.     Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree, and Zach Haralson

Multiple time scales in a strongly coupled dusty plasma revealed by survival-function analysis
Physical Review E, Vol. 98, article no. 063201, Dec 2018
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.063201

160.     Chun-Shang Wong, J. Goree, Zach Haralson

Fluctuation-theorem method of measuring a particle's mass without knowing its shape or density               

         Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 129, pp. 116-123 Jan 2019.


161.     Zian Wei, Bin Liu, John Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov,

            A. M. Lipaev,D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

Diffusive Motion in a Three-Dimensional Cluster in PK-4

            IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 47, pp. 3100-3106, July 2019

            DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2019.2893155

162.     Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

   Experimental determination of shock speed versus exciter speed in a two-dimensional

   dusty plasma              

         Physical Review E, Vol. 101, 043211  April 2020

            DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.043211

163.     B. Farr, X. Wang, J. Goree, I. Hahn, U. Israelsson and M. Horányi

   Dust mitigation technology for lunar exploration utilizing an electron beam             

         Acta Astronautica, Vol. 177, pp. 405-409  Aug 2020

164.     Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

Shocks propagate in a 2D dusty plasma with less attenuation than that due

to gas friction alone                

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 27, art no. 113704, Oct 2020        

165.     J. Goree and Bin Liu, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

            V. I. Molotkov, A. D. Usachev, O. F. Petrov, M. H. Thoma, E. Thomas Jr, U. Konopka,

            and S. Prokopiev

Correlation and spectrum of dust acoustic waves in a radio-frequency plasma using

PK-4 on the International Space Station                    

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 27, art no. 123701, Dec 2020

166.     Ajaz A. Mir, Sanat K. Tiwari, John Goree, Abhijit Sen, Chris Crabtree, and

Gurudas Ganguli

A forced Korteweg–de Vries model for nonlinear mixing of oscillations in a dusty plasma

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 27, art no. 113701, Nov 2020

167.     B. Farr, X. Wang, J. Goree, I. Hahn, U. Israelsson and M. Horányi

Improvement of the electron-beam lunar dust mitigation technology with varying the beam incident angle

Astro Astronautica, Vol. 188, pp. 362-366, Aug 2021

168.     Bin Liu, John Goree, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev,

            A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

Time-Dependent Shear Motion in a Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma in PK-4 on the International Space Station (ISS)

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 49, pp. 2972-2978, 04 Aug 2021

DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3100300

169.     Dong Huang, Shaoyu Lu, Xia-qing Shi, J. Goree, Yan Feng

Fluctuation-theorem convergence in a viscoelastic medium demonstrated experimentally using a dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol. 104, art. no. 035207, Sep 2021

170.     Jorge Berumen and J. Goree

Experiment and model for a Stokes layer in a strongly coupled dusty plasma

Physical Review E, Vol. 104, art no. 035208, Sep 2021


171.     Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

Shock width measured under liquid and solid conditions in a 2D dusty plasma

            Physical Review E, Vol. 104, art. no. 055201 Nov 2021

            DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.104.055201

172.     Neeraj Chaubey, J. Goree, Steven J. Lanham, and Mark J. Kushner

Positive charging of grains in an afterglow plasma is enhanced by ions drifting in an electric field

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 28, art no. 103702, Oct 13, 2021

173.     Bin Liu, John Goree, Stefan Schütt, Andre Melzer, M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas,

V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev, A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

Nonlinear Wave Synchronization in a Dusty Plasma under Microgravity on the International Space Station (ISS)

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 49, pp. 3958-3962  Nov 2021


174.     Jorge Berumen and J. Goree

Frequency-dependent complex viscosity obtained for a liquid two-dimensional dusty plasma experiment

Physical Review E, Vol. 105, art. no.015209 Jan 2022

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.105.015209

175.     Zichang Xiong, Steven Lanham, Eric Husmann, Gunnar Nelson, Mohammad Ali,

            Eslamisaray, Jordyn Polito, Yaling Liu, John Goree, Mark J. Kushner, Elijah Thimsen,

            Uwe R. Kortshagen

Particle trapping, size-filtering, and focusing in the nonthermal plasma synthesis of sub-10 nanometer particles

Journal of Physics D, Vol. 55, art. no. 23502, Mar 2022


176.     Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

Preservation of a dust crystal as it falls in an afterglow plasma

Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 10, art. no. 879092 May 2022


177.     Christina A. Knapek, L. Couedel, A. Dove, J. Goree, Uwe Konopka, A. Melzer,

S. Ratynskaia, Markus H. Thoma, Hubertus M. Thomas

COMPACT—a new complex plasma facility for the ISS

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 64, art. no. 124006, Nov 2022

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ac9ff0

178.     B. Farr, X. Wang, J. Goree, I. Hahn, U. Israelsson and M. Horányi

Dust removal from a variety of surface materials with multiple electron beams

Astro Astronautica, Vol. 200, pp. 42-47 Nov 2022


179.     Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

Coulomb expansion of a thin dust cloud observed experimentally under afterglow plasma conditions

Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 29, art. no. 113705 Nov 2022

180.     Job Beckers, Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan, John Goree

Particle interaction with afterglow plasma and non-quasi-neutral plasma

Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 10, p. 1167, May 2022


181.     Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, J. Goree, Jack F. Douglas, Paolo Elvati, and Angela Violi

Comparison of the static structure factor at long wavelengths for a dusty plasma liquid and other liquids

Physical Review E, Vol. 106, art. no. 055212, Nov 2022

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.055212

182.     Ajaz Mir, Sanat Tiwari, Abhijit Sen, Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli, and John Goree

Synchronization of dust acoustic waves in a forced Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers model

Physical Review E, Vol. 107, article no. 035202, Mar 2023


183.     Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

Controlling the charge of dust particles in a plasma afterglow by timed switching of an electrode voltage

Journal of Physics D, Vol. 56, art. no. 375202, Jun 2023


184.     Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, John A Goree, Paolo Elvati and Angela Violi

Finite-size effects in the static structure factor S(k) and S(0) for a 2D Yukawa liquid

Physical Review E, Vol. 108, art. no. 035211, Sep 2023


185.     Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

Mitigating dust particle contamination in an afterglow plasma by controlled lifting with a DC electric field

Journal of Physics D, Vol. 57, art. no. 105201, Dec 2023


186.     Neeraj Chaubey and J. Goree

Controlling the charge of dust particles in an afterglow by modulating the plasma power

Journal of Physics D, Vol. No. 57, art. no. 205202, Feb 2024

DOI:   NSF uploaded to here

187.     Vitaliy Zhuravlyov, J. Goree, Paolo Elvati and Angela Violi

High-frequency dependence and convergence of moments of the dynamic structure

factor in a liquid 2D dusty plasma

Physical Review E, submitted 30 Nov 2023

188.     Anton Kananovich and J. Goree

Quadrilateral Particle Arrangement within Shocks in a Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma

In preparation 2024


Publications: Book Chapter


1.        A. Melzer and J. Goree, “Fundamentals of Dusty Plasmas,”

chapter in Low Temperature Plasma Physics, Volume 1, edited by R. Hippler, Wiley, pp. 129-173 (45 pages) 2008




Publications: Proceedings of International Conferences



1.      J. Goree, M. Ono, P. Colestock, R. Horton, D. McNeill and H. Park

         Fast-Wave Current Drive

         Proceedings of the Sixth Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Heating of Plasmas,

         Callaway Gardens, GA 13-15 May 1985 [American Institute of Physics, New York, p. 65] 1985

         and AIP Conf. Proc. 129, 65 (1985);


2.      M. J. Goeckner, J. Goree and T. E. Sheridan

         Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurement of Plasma Ion Distribution Functions: Correcting for Spatially Inhomogeneous Laser Intensities

         Proceedings of the Fourth International Laser Science Conference, Atlanta, GA

         2-6 October 1988 [American Institute of Physics, New York, pp. 761-766 ] 1989

         and AIP Conf. Proc. 191, 761 (1989);


3.      J. Goree and M. J. Goeckner

         Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurement of Plasma Ion Distribution Functions

         Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Plasma Surface Interactions and Plasma Processing of Materials, Alicante, Spain

         2-15 September 1988 [Martinus Nijhoff, Netherlands, pp. 163-166] 1990


4.      J. Goree

         Charge Shielding by Trapped Ion Orbits in Dusty Plasmas

         International Conference on Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, Austria

         29 June - 3 July 1992 [European Physical Society, pp. 1365-1368] 1992


5.      J. Goree

         Plasma Dust Crystallization

         Second Microgravity Fluid Physics Conference, Columbus, Ohio

         21 - 23 June 1994 [NASA Conference Publication 3276, pp. 325-330] 1994


6.      J. Goree

         Experiments with Strongly-Coupled Dusty Plasmas

         Strongly-Coupled Plasma Conference, 11 - 15 Sep 1995, Binz, Germany 1996


7.      J. Goree and D. Samsonov

         Instabilities Driven by Ion Drag

         Physics of Dusty Plasmas, ed. by Mihaly Horanyi, Scott Robertson and Bob Walch

         American Institute of Physics, Vol. 446 pp. 157-166, 1998 doi: 10.1063/1.56664


8.      R. Quinn and J. Goree

         A model of Particle Temperature in Dusty Plasmas

         Physics of Dusty Plasmas, ed. by Mihaly Horanyi, Scott Robertson and Bob Walch

         American Institute of Physics, pp. 67-72, 1998

         and AIP Conf. Proc. 446, 67 (1998);


9.             J. Goree, D. Samsonov, Z. W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee, H. M. Thomas, U. Konopka, G. E. Morfill

Monolayer Plasma Crystals: Experiments and Simulations

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Dusty Plasmas, Hakone, Japan

24-28 May 1999


10.         Hubertus M. Thomas, John A. Goree, Alexey Ivlev, Uwe Konopka, Gregor E. Morfill, Lorenz Ratke, Hermann Rothermel and Milenko Zuzic

Complex (Dusty) Plasmas – A new field of research under microgravity conditions

Proceedings of the Spacebound Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000


11.         T. Stuffler, D. Turrini, J. Burfeindt, R. Klett, G. Morfill, H. Thomas, U. Konopka, H. Rothermel, M. Zuzic and J. Goree

IMPF - an International Facility for Advanced µG-Plasma Experiments on ISS

Proceedings of the International Microgravity Conference, Sorrento, Italy, September 2000


12.         S. Nunomura, J. Goree, S. Hu, X. Wang, A. Bhattacharjee and K. Avinash

Observation of Naturally-Occurring Waves in a Strongly Coupled Plasma

Proceedings of the International Conference on Plasma Physics, Sydney, Australia, July


and AIP Conf. Proc. 669, 93 (2003);


13.         A. Piel, V. Nosenko, and J. Goree,

Experiments and Simulation of Elastic Waves in a Plasma Crystal Radiated from a PointDipoleSource

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Durban, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 69, p. 200 2002   

doi: 10.1063/1.1527760


14.         V. A. Schweigert, I. V. Schweigert, V. Nosenko, and J. Goree,

Dynamical Phase Transition in Dust Crystals

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Durban, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 69, p. 418-421 2002  

doi: 10.1063/1.15277813


15.         Z. Donkó, J. Goree and P. Hartmann

Complex viscosity of 3D Yukawa liquids

6th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Garmisch, Germany May 2011

and AIP Conf. Proc. 1397, 307 2011;


16.         Bin Liu, J. Goree M. Y. Pustylnik, H. M. Thomas, V. E. Fortov, A. M. Lipaev, A. D. Usachev, V. I. Molotkov, O. F. Petrov, and M. H. Thoma

Particle Velocity Distribution in a Three-Dimensional Dusty Plasma under Microgravity Conditions

8th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Prague, Czech Republic       May 2017

and AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1925, article no. 020005 January 2018



Publications: Research News Articles


John Goree and Gary Selwyn, “Dusty Plasmas in the Cosmos and Chip Manufacturing,” Physics News in 1994, pp. 59-61, American Institute of Physics, 1994