that I've taught:
Lecture courses
Recent years:
- Basic Physics PHYS:1400
Electronics PHYS:3850
Previous years:
- College Physics II PHYS:1512 (29:012)
- Physics I PHYS:1700 (29:17)
- Physics IV PHYS:2704
- Electricity & Magnetism PHYS:3811 (29:129)
- Electricity & Magnetism PHYS:3812 (29:130)
- Plasma Physics I PHYS:4731 (29:194)
- Plasma Physics II PHYS:7729 (29:195)
- Advanced Plasma Physics I PHYS:7730 (29:294)
- Advanced Plasma Physics II (29:295)
- Physics Laboratories PHYS:1400, PHYS:1409, PHYS:1511, PHYS:1512,
PHYS:1611, PHYS:1612, PHYS:1619, PHYS:1701, PHYS:1702, PHYS:2703,
PHYS:2704- I wrote the lab manuals for all these courses 1999-2006
- Electronics PHYS:3850 (29:128)
How to use "flipping" to teach college-level
physics and other technical subjects
- Youtube
- Seminar April 27, 2015 Emory University
- handout
notes pdf file
- powerpoint
file with movies 39 MB
- videos of presentation:
- 1
What is flipping? 06:07
- 2
Example flip videos 05:16
- 3
The problems flipping solves, and what to do in the classroom
- 4
Good practices - keep it short, use quizzes 07:44
- 5
Good practices - guide the eye amongst the clutter 05:41
- 6
Outcomes - learning and student satisfaction 04:57
- 7
How to do it - the hardware and software 05:51