
Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission







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9th Workshop on the
Physics of Dusty Plasmas
Iowa City
21-23 May 2001

Step to Abstract Submission Form

Submit your abstracts electronically, using the following three steps:


  • Prepare your abstract in one of the formats listed in the instructions
  • Read the following instructions and then click the link at the bottom to lead you to a form all authors must complete.
  • The form is hosted by a company called Scansoft/eOmniForm.
  • In this form, you will tell us your name, your preference for poster vs. oral, etc.
  • There will also be a field for you to type your comments:
    • If your group is requesting more than one oral presentation, this is where you should present your prioritized list, indicating which talk you most want to be oral, etc.
    • If you are submitting a corrected version of an abstract you already submitted earlier, you may explain this to us in the comment field.
  • For the text of your abstract, you will be presented a choice:
    • you may choose whether you wish to email your file to us,
    • or you may choose to paste plain text into this form.
  • After you click the "Submit" button, you will view another page hosted by Scansoft that confirms your submission was received, and it will give you a confirmation number. Please make a note of your confirmation number. (The confirmation page also shows an advertisement for Scansoft, which you may ignore ... to get back here, click the "Back" button on your browser twice).
  • Troubleshooting: If you have problems using the form hosted by Scansoft/eOmniForm, try using a different browser. (We tested the form successfully using several versions of Netscape and Explorer on Windows98 and WindowsNT4, but it's possible it won't work on a browser we didn't test.) 
  • To go the form, click here.
  • If you chose to paste plain text for your abstract in the Second step, you are now finished.
  • Otherwise, you will need to email your abstract as an attachment (.pdf, .rtf, or .doc) to mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu.  Please include your confirmation number in the body of the email.

Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Iowa