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Physics of Dusty Plasmas Iowa City 21-23 May 2001 e-mail archives
Lost that email we sent you? Don't worry ... we'll paste a copy of all our email announcements in the space below.
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 13:57:42 -0600 (CST)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 11:23:01 -0600 (CST) From: "Marcia Rogers" Subject: 9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas - 1st Announcement and Call for Abstracts 1st Announcement and Call for Abstracts 9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas Iowa City, Iowa, 21-23 May 2001 GENERAL INFORMATION The 9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas will be hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa on May 20-23, 2001. The workshop will take place over a two and one-half day period (Mon 5/21, Tues 5/22 and Wed. morning 5/23) and include both oral and poster sessions. All sessions will be held in the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU). Lodging for the workshop will be at the Iowa House Hotel (adjacent to the IMU) and the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Iowa City which is just a few blocks from the IMU. The workshop will include lunch and dinner on Monday and Tuesday as well as an informal opening reception on Sunday (5/20) evening. MEETING SCOPE As in other series workshops the scope of this one covers the full range of dusty plasma physics phenomena: both basic and applied science topics including laboratory experiments, space observations, theory, simulations and microgravity experiments. WORKSHOP WEBSITE A website containing further details of the workshop including information about abstract submission, registration, accommodation, transportation, deadlines and other pertinent material is located at http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/9th_home.html CONTACT INFORMATION General correspondence concerning the workshop should be directed to the workshop secretary, Ms. Marcia Rogers at mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu This message is being circulated using an email list compiled in part from the last workshop. Please feel free to forward this message to other colleagues who may be interested in attending. If you do not wish to receive future announcements regarding this workshop please respond to this message with the subject "not interested". MEETING DEADLINES
REGISTRATION FEES Early Registration: (before April 20, 2001) 250 USD (Students: 125 USD) On-site Registration: 350 USD (Students: 155 USD) Please note that the registration fee includes lunch and dinner on Monday and Tuesday and the Reception on Sunday Evening. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Submit your abstracts electronically, using the following two steps: - First, prepare your abstract in one of the formats listed below - Second, visit our abstract-submission page (http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/abstract_submission.html) Format: - Maximum length: one page, letter size paper (8 1/2 X 11 inches). - Acceptable formats include: - PDF file (preferred format) - Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf) - Plain Text - PDF and Word files may include graphics, if desired. - PDF or Word files should be formatted like the examples shown on the abstract submission page. - Please do not send: - TeX, LaTex, or postscript files. - Hardcopy. Ours is an all-electronic abstract submission. Oral vs. poster - Oral presentations are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. - Posters: We're doing three things to make posters especially appealing: - All posters will remain on display throughout the workshop. - They will be displayed in the same large room where we eat together Monday and Tuesday. This will encourage informal discussions in addition to the scheduled time for the talk. - Posters are big: board size is 72 X 48 inches (182 X 122 cm). - Please indicate whether you prefer an oral or poster session. - The number of oral presentations will be limited. If your group submits more than one abstract for an oral presentation, please send us a list of the talk titles, rank ordered according to your preference for oral presentation. This will help us choose which talks to assign to oral vs. poster sessions. - As in the previous workshop in this series, all talks are contributed. The program will not identify any presentations as "invited talks." - You may request that your presentation be positioned before or after another speaker. - There is no assurance that we can meet all your requests for oral vs. poster or for positioning your paper. Video Presentation Requirements: A video projector will be available in the meeting room for electronic presentations. You will need to bring your own laptop computer. A VCR will also be available to play tapes in NTSC format only. We look forward to seeing you in Iowa City. Amitava Bhattacharjee John Goree Bob Merlino
9 March 2001 9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas - discount airfares NINTH WORKSHOP ON THE PHYSICS OF DUSTY PLASMAS Discounts are available on Delta, TWA and United Airlines for travel with the U.S. and from Canada. Reservations must be booked and ticketed through a preferred travel agency of The University of Iowa. Delta Airlines 5-10% discount on all but the most restrictive fares TWA Airlines 10% discount off of most fares, including travel originating in St. Louis 30% discount off of unrestricted (non-penalty) fares, excluding travel originating in St. Louis United Airlines 12% discount Please contact: Renee Harned Meacham Travel Service 229 East Washington Street Iowa City, IA 52240 1-800-777-1360x114 1-319-351-1360x114 Fax: 1-319-351-0710 Email: reneea@meachamtravel.com Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:20:35 -0600 (CST) From: "Marcia Rogers" Dear colleagues: This message is to remind you that abstracts are due on April 2, 2001 - just one week from now. Please refer to the workshop website http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/9th_home.html for details on abstract submission. Thank you, Amitava Bhattacharjee John Goree Robert Merlino Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:45:38 -0500 (CDT) From: "Marcia Rogers" <mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu> Organization: Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa Subject: Dusty Plasma Workshop - Abstract Follow-up
NINTH WORKSHOP ON THE PHYSICS OF DUSTY PLASMAS Dear Colleagues: We have now received abstracts for the 9th Workshop on the Physics of DustyPlasmas, which will be held in Iowa City, 21-23 May 2001. For every abstract we received, we have emailed an acknowledgment. If you submitted an abstract, but you have not received an acknowledgement, this may be due to an error by our web server in receiving your abstract. (We tested the server, but errors are still possible.) In this case, please resubmit your abstract before 11:30 am Central Time, Monday April 9, by emailing it to mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu. All our email announcements hereafter will be sent to a smaller mailing list, consisting of authors who submitted an abstract. Our workshop webpage, which provides full information, is: http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/9th_home.html Amitava Bhattacharjee John Goree Robert Merlino Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:20:09 -0500 (CDT) Organization: Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa Subject: Dusty Plasma Workshop - Program and Ground Transportation Info 9th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas 21-23 May 2001 Iowa City, Iowa PROGRAM: We have prepared a tentative program for the workshop, which you may view at our workshop website: http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/program.html This webpage also includes information about the Sunday evening reception and departure on Wednesday. The workshop ends at 11 am Wednesday May 23. GROUND TRANSPORTATION: All workshop participants are expected to arrange their own transportation; information is available here: http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/transportation.html We would like to know how many participants would take a bus Wednesday at 11 am, arriving at the airport at 12 noon, if we arranged for such a bus. If you are interested, please send an email to mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu, so that we can determine whether such a bus is needed. MORE INFO ABOUT YOUR TALK: A final version of the program, with abstracts, will be posted at the website by early May. In preparing your talk, you will need to know that: * POSTERS are is 72 X 48 inches (182 X 122 cm). Many of the posters are within 15 feet (5 m) of an electrical outlet. If you need to use your laptop computer during your poster presentation, you may send an email to mrogers@newton.physics.uiowa.edu to request that we assign you a poster board near an electrical outlet. * ORAL talks are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. In addition to an overhead projector, there will be a video projector for electronic presentations; you will need to bring your own laptop computer. A VCR will also be available to play tapes in NTSC-VHS format only. Why there are no invited talks: As in the 8th workshop, we have no talks designated as "invited talks." As compared to the 7th workshop, which was 3 1/2 days and included long invited talks, the 8th workshop was reduced to 2 1/2 days, which was accomplished in part by having only 20 minutes per talk, including questions. At the end of the 8th workshop, we asked participants if they wanted to keep the 2 1/2 day format, and there was strong support for this proposal. This why we have no invited talks. All oral talks are equal: 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes per questions. If you are giving an oral talk, you may also use half a poster board to display anything you wish for further discussion; information can be found at our webpage: http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/~goree/workshop/program.html Amitava Bhattacharjee John Goree Robert Merlino |
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The University of Iowa